Holistic approaches are part of many recovery programs.
They can help you heal and grow through all stages of recovery.
- Biofeedback
Biofeedback helps you learn how to change your levels of tension, heart rate and brain wave patterns. This helps you reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings, lower anxiety, and gives you confidence in your ability to control your physical and emotional reactions.
Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (BCIA)
Click on Consumers on the top menu bar to learn about biofeedback, what it treats, how effective it is, insurance coverage, and how to Find a Practitioner. This is organized by condition (you can choose Alcoholism/Substance Abuse), state, zip code or type of certification
Biofeedback Certification International Alliance
Click on Find a Practitioner on the top menu bar to search for BCIA Certified Practitioners using your zip code, practitioner name or country.
Explains the connection between the heart and the brain and how HeartMath biofeedback works. HeartMath teaches you how to bring your brain, mind, body and emotions into balance. Click on Find a Certified HeartMath Professional to search by specialties (such as Addiction), state, and more.
International Society for Neuroregulation & Research (ISNR)
Under Visitors, it describes neurofeedback and has a Find A Provider section which can be searched by country, state and specialties such as Addictions/Substance Abuse.
Research StudiesResearch Studies
A study of 429 adults taking opioid pain medications found that “anxiety sensitivity” was linked to opioid misuse. Anxiety sensitivity (AS) is the fear that something very bad is about to happen. It is related to panic attacks, anxiety and substance use disorders. AS may make drug withdrawal harder and withdrawal symptoms feel worse. Biofeedback has been used to treat this type of anxiety sensitivity.
Rogers AH, Kauffman BY, Bakhshaie J, et al. Anxiety sensitivity and opioid misuse among opioid-using adults with chronic pain. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 45(5) 470-478.
HRV biofeedback may be very helpful for long-term substance use. In this study cravings were significantly reduced by HRV biofeedback, especially in people with higher levels of cravings. It is affordable and easy to do in everyday life.
Eddie D, Conway FN, Alayan N, Buckman J, Bates ME. Assessing heart rate variability biofeedback as an adjunct to college recovery housing programs. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2018;92:70-76.
Neurofeedback has been used successfully for substance use disorders for more than 30 years. Research shows that when this treatment is added to standard addiction treatment it can have strong positive results.
Ross SM. Neurofeedback: an integrative treatment of substance use disorders. Holist Nurs Pract. 2013 Jul-Aug;27(4):246-50.
In this study people who got neurofeedback stayed in treatment longer and 77% were still abstinent one year after treatment.
Scott WC, Kaiser D, Othmer S, et al. Effects of an EEG Biofeedback Protocol on a Mixed Substance Abusing Population. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2005; 31(3): 455-469.
Brainwave Biofeedback has shown dramatic success in preventing relapse in several studies.
- Acupuncture
- Animal/Pet Therapy
- Aromatherapy
- Creative Arts Therapy: Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Poetry
- Coloring Therapy
- Gardening
- Guided Imagery
- Herbal Therapy
- Homeopathy
- Hypnosis
- Journaling
- Massage Therapy and Bodywork
- Meditation/Mindfulness
- Nature
- Nutrition
- Yoga