It is helpful to have as much information as possible about substance use disorders and the best ways to treat them. And it is also very important to find out about how to help yourself during this process.
- Interventions
People struggling with addiction may find it hard to face the truth and begin treatment. Often they don't see the damage it is doing to themselves and others.
An intervention is a way to help them look directly at these issues. It offers an action plan for treatment with clear steps, goals and guidelines.
Those who do interventions are trained to help families, friends and coworkers take part in a helpful and honest process. This usually involves interviewing family members; documenting evidence of addiction and actions taken; discussing treatment options; planning transportation; and holding group rehearsals to prepare the family for the intervention.
Ascension Recovery Services
Experienced interventionists use research-based strategies to connect individuals with substance addiction to an appropriate solution. The goal is not to coerce the person with addiction to go to treatment; it is to change the family dynamic. Ascension has developed a 10-step approach.
Addiction Recovery Legal Services, LLC
This private Florida law firm specializes in using the Florida Marchman Act to help families deal with addiction. The legal process requires a substance user to enter court ordered assessment, stabilization and long-term treatment at a facility chosen by the family. The Act applies to Florida only, but families can bring an addicted family member to Florida where court ordered treatment can be ordered. Fees are case by case and payment plans and “financial hardship" packages are available based on income from IRS Tax Returns.
Buck Run Recovery Solutions
Led by a Certified ARISE Interventionist and Continuing Care provider, this 3-step process is considered a Best Practice method for treating people with substance use disorder and helping their families. Continuing Care after treatment helps prevent relapse and supports long-term recovery. Buck Run is an international company that travels where needed.
Clere Consulting
Clere is run by licensed and certified addiction counselors. From intervention strategies, next step planning to check-ins and all details, they work with advisors, doctors and families to find the best course of action and the right team to successfully perform an intervention.
Heather R Hayes & Associates
This team of clinicians provides interventions, case management, transport, therapeutic recovery companions, treatment placement, and recovery coaching for substance use disorders. Their work is based on the Trauma-Informed Responsive Intervention™ that supports both the addicted person and their family.
Hired Power
Serves clients and families nationally and internationally. Services include assessment, preparation, the intervention, follow up and aftercare. They help with transitions to and from treatment, adjustment to a sober lifestyle, and meeting the challenges of early recovery.
Intervention 911
Headed by a certified alcohol and drug intervention specialist, they offer family and executive interventions. They also have a recovery advocate program which assigns each person a case manager after leaving treatment to keep their recovery on track. They have earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval for Behavioral Health Care Accreditation.
Intervention ASAP
Founded by an intervention specialist with a Masters in Addiction Studies from Hazelden. Provides nationwide interventions that range from 1-2 hours and includes transportation escort to treatment. Recovery management and counseling is provided to the family for 6 months after the intervention.
KD Consulting Corporation
Intervention services include Lifeline Intervention, a method to dismantle the addict’s "wall of denial" so they are more open to treatment. The interventionists are board certified and specialize in alcohol, drug and pain pill addiction. The founder is board certified and board registered and a Certified Master Addiction Counselor (CMAC II).
Love First
A team of certified interventionists work with families, teens, older adults and executives. They help select an appropriate treatment center, match treatment to family finances, make travel arrangements, facilitate the intervention, take the patient to treatment, and give post-treatment support. Based on the Hazelden Guidebook Love First: A Family's Guide to Intervention.
Sober Escorts, Inc. (SEI)
SEI provides interventions, safe transport, and consultation services to people and families facing addiction. They work with many treatment centers and professionals to make sure their clients get the support they need to stay sober. All services are available throughout the US & abroad, are tailored to each person, and include the full support of an experienced team.
South Florida Intervention
They provide services to individuals and families affected by addiction, including interventions, treatment guidance, recovery coaching and mentoring, family coaching, transportation, and case management.
- Help and Support