Online resources provide 24/7 access to recovery-related connection and experiences. Find support, meetings, and places to share your feelings and thoughts that reach others in the recovery community.
- Message Boards
On a message board you can post, respond to, or simply read messages posted by others. You can also begin a new discussion by starting a "thread" on the board.
The Addiction Recovery Guide Message Board
Our message board is a place to share your experiences and questions about treatments for substance use addictions. If you have questions as to what is appropriate, be sure to review our posting guidelines. Our moderators have no conflicts of interest here, their posts are not influenced by any affiliation, and are always made under the name: Moderator.
The message board in this directory of recovery resources covers a wide variety of categories: Newcomers, Ask the Experts, General Forums, Alcoholism (AA, Alanon, ACOA), Drug Addiction (NA, Nar-Anon), Secular Recovery, Family and Friends, Mental Health and much more.
Google Groups
The google search engine includes a searchable “Groups” section where visitors can search hundreds of message boards simultaneously. This is often a good starting point when searching for specific information that may be difficult to locate otherwise.
- Chat Rooms & Chat Meetings
- Online Meetings
- Social Networking
- Text Messaging Programs