The Internet provides easy access to recovery-related films, podcasts, audio, talk shows, vlogs, video and more. This is a good way to learn from others and stay connected with your recovery.
Recovery blogs are like online diaries. You can express your thoughts on different aspects of recovery as they play out in real life.
Club Hope: Healing Opportunities Possible for Everyone
Addiction separates people from each other. Club HOPE helps people deal with the isolation and trauma related to addiction by connecting them through compassion and love.
People share their experiences, stories, and wisdom about how to lessen the negative impact of addiction- and how to maximize recovery and quality of life. The goal is to make sure that no one ever faces addiction alone and afraid.
Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) Voices of the Fellowship
People in CMA share their experience with the Steps, life in sobriety, and their strength and hope in these blogs. Their personal stories are published as collections to help the entire fellowship.
The Fix
This leading website on addiction and recovery has launched a blog that features a variety of expert voices and personal stories on everything to do with addiction and recovery.
Recovery Insights - The Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation Blog
An active blog on important recovery topics.
Sober Black Girls Club
This community for Black women who are sober or moving in that direction talks about what it means to be Black and sober. It offers resources and inspiration to live your best life.
Sober Courage
Chronicles the journey from “liquid courage to sober courage.” Real life stories about alcohol use disorder, relapse and recovery.
Sober Long Time - Now What?
A weekly blog on the challenges and joys of long term recovery written by a certified alcohol and drug counselor who has been in recovery for 31 years. The blog focuses on the emotional recovery that follows physical sobriety.
A Spiritual Evolution
Well written reflections on recovery using the spiritual principles of the 12 Steps. They are written by an alcoholic 21 years sober. Honest, helpful and easy to identify with, they provide many truths and insights into the process.
Waking Up the Ghost
An insightful blog that touches on all aspects of living life in recovery. It is done with wisdom and humor and presents a unique look at life through the lens of recovery.
A vlog is a blog in video form. Like a blog, it is a way for people to share their recovery journey.
Make the Connection
Videos by Veterans in recovery.
Santa Monica Sam raps about all of the 12 steps plus eight other short 12-step videos.
- Online Media
audio, video, podcasts, radio