Non 12-step support programs offer different approaches for change and sobriety.
Some focus on finding strength and self-control within yourself. Others are based on specific religious traditions.
- Faith-Based Programs
These programs approach recovery through various religious traditions including Christian, Jewish, Islamic and Buddhist.
Buddhist Recovery Network
Supports the use of Buddhist teachings and practices such as mindfulness and meditation to help people recover from addictive behaviors. It is open to people of all backgrounds and respectful of all recovery paths. Features include an in-person meeting finder in 15 countries and an online meeting locator, as well as downloadable videos, podcasts, audio lectures and recommended books.
Celebrate Recovery
This Christ-centered, 12 step fellowship recovery program welcomes people with any type of addiction or compulsion. There are now over 500 similar ministries across the U.S. that can be found by using the site's online locator, as well as Zoom online meetings.
Jewish Addiction Awareness Network (JAAN)
JAAN helps Jewish organizations, agencies, professionals, and synagogues reduce stigma, shame and denial so that people get earlier treatment for substance use disorders. The site includes a listing of national and state resources as well as personal stories, blogs, books, articles and guides from a Jewish perspective.
Latter Day Saints Addiction Recovery Program
Sponsors national and international recovery support meetings to help free people from addiction through gospel fellowship. The website lists 12-step recovery meetings by geographic area as well as phone meetings. They also have an online Addiction Recovery Program Guide to help you learn how to apply the key gospel principles to change your life.
Millati Islami World Services
This 12-Step recovery program based on Islamic principles has combined the treatment requirements of both Al-Islam and the 12-Step approach into one program. The site lists adapted 12 steps and 12 traditions, group meetings nationally and useful links for Islam and Recovery.
Refuge Recovery
This mindfulness-based addiction recovery community uses Buddhist principles and practices as the foundation for recovery. Emphasis is placed on awareness, compassion, forgiveness and generosity as a means for overcoming addiction, cravings and its causes. There is a meeting locator and links to online meetings, downloadable meditations and podcasts.
- Non-12 Step Recovery Programs