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How Do You Stop After 25 Years Of Smoking
Ganja Baby

Posted: September 10, 2009, 5:08 PM
Hi everyone! I know that I am a marijuana lover!! I have been doing this for over 27 years now!! I am at the point whereas it doesn't get my totally chilled out anymore and I function well with it in my system. I can work, walk, workout, hold a conversation (deep) and have a positive opinion! My thing is that I think of it all the time!! I can't seem to get away from my friends that enjoys it so much!! It's to a point where my friends don't even want to share when I'm around and vice versa cause I enjoy it so much!! I don't have any monies saved - don't get me wrong I do handle my responsibilities, but I do try to get weed to help when I'm mad or just want it to take away my hurtful feelings or boredom. I do sleep more comfortably and when I don't have it, I'm up and can't sleep! Ganja gives me so much self-esteem, believe it or not!! I feel I can do anything with it...but yet there is a voice deep inside that says "GIVE IT UP" you have had more than your share and some and just DO things differently!! and better for you!!! and my children!! If you can honestly give me some positive advice on how to quit I would appreciate something that is so comfortable!!!

Posts: 13
Joined: August 26, 2009

Posted: September 11, 2009, 4:10 AM
in my opinion ur looking at it the wrong way...dont think im doing ok while im smoking marijuana think more like how much better would i be doing if i was off it. in yr 12 i smoked it4 times a day like b4 during and after school and b4 bed and i still did pretty well like i recieved 75% and i used that to justify y i was smoking, now that i am off it at uni im getting high distinctions and doing even better than i was at school. same with exercise ive always been fit but now my fitness is at a very high level since giving up. i know u feel as if u NEED it, but trust me u dont there r other ways to relax and socialise

Posts: 44
Joined: January 12, 2009

Posted: September 11, 2009, 5:48 AM
Hi Ganga Baby,

It’s not for anyone other than you to decide if you’re an addict or not (you may want to read the 12 Questions of Marijuana Anonymous – you can find them on the internet). But before I could make that decision I needed to understand what an addict is. As I understand it, the illness of addiction is a three fold illness consisting of Physical, Mental and Spiritual elements. The “Physical” part is a physical craving I have. Once I take the first drug, I need to keep taking more until I either can’t get any more or pass out. The Mental aspect of my illness is an overriding thought about drugs, find it and using it and changing the way I feel, which takes me away from the present. For me this “Mental” obsession mainly took the form of drugs because they had worked for me, but I can also have obsessive thinking around many other things, such as Porn, Girls, Football or any other flavour of the month interest I’ve come across. This obsession was so strong that it always led me to using or acting out. It is also a distortion of reality. It will tell me that I’m ok when I’m not. It will tell me that when it’s about you, It’s about me and when it’s about me, it’s about you. Then there is the “Spiritual” side of my illness which is an intolerable feeling of being uncomfortable in my skin, being quick to anger and not being happy with my lot in life, a nagging feeling that something is missing, hopelessness. Depression.

Once I understood this I could then make a decision as to whether I had any of these symptoms or not. I did have them.

It was then explained to me that whilst I was suffering from these 3 symptoms I was powerless over my using. Did I have control over my using? Was I really powerless? I needed someone to help me see the truth of my using. I finally admitted I was powerless over my using. I used every day, I asked myself - when was the last time I didn’t use Marijuana in a day?, When was the last time I refused a joint? Did I use at inopportune moments, like before a family function or at work? Did I use a larger amount than I planned? Was it only Marijuana that was making life bearable? Did I think I could I live without it? Can I stop when I want to and stay stopped?

It was also explained to me that in order to recover from active addiction I would have to do two things. Firstly I would have to get a power in my life to combat the powerlessness. (I’m powerless so I need Power). Secondly I would need to have a change in my thinking, to stop the Mental Obsession, and be able to cope with life without drugs.

I was told that If I addressed the Spiritual side of my illness (found Inspiration in life, happiness, contentment, peace, love, acceptance etc…) then I would loose the Mental Obsession. And if I wasn’t obsessing about drugs then I wouldn’t pick up. And If I didn’t pick up I wouldn’t use. And If I didn’t use I wouldn’t kick off the Physical Craving.

So for me, and millions of other recovering addicts and alcoholics around the world, I found freedom from addiction through the meetings of 12 step fellowships, where I was shown how to live a spiritual (NOT RELIGIOUS) life.

I used Marijuana every day for the best part of 16 years. I have now been clean from all drugs and alcohol for almost 14 months. The 12 steps really work. I owe to them the amazing life I now have.

It Works If You Work It.


This post has been edited by MattB on September 11, 2009, 7:53 AM


Marijuana Anonymous

DISCLAIMER: The opinions I express are mine. They are not necessarily the opinions of MA, CA, NA or AA, its fellowships or this board and I do not speak on behalf of any 12 step fellowship. I will simply try to share my experience.

Posts: 22
Joined: July 17, 2009

Posted: September 12, 2009, 9:22 PM
Hi there !!

I have been clean for 3 weeks now after a 20yr addiction. I weaned myself at first and for me that was what i needed to do, having quit smoking ciggis a year ago i did the same thing that i did then. Keep yourself busy...prolong each puff min by min,hour by hour, day by's a battle but one that can be won !! find little things to keep you busy all the time and before you know it the sun is going down and you havn't touched any pot. or at first to start off with it's the morning thats gone by etc etc. Chew gum eat when you need even eat more than you need because when you come through the other side it wont matter if you got a little chubbier, you will have the energy and the will to burn it off. It is a battle and you will go through withdrawls. These will lessen and lessen as the days roll by. If you have any sort of question please feel free to post it and i will do my best to answer you
From a pot addict to another we can help eachother.
List your reasons for wanting a better life and refer to them each day
You WILL be ok and you CAN do it :)

Posts: 22
Joined: July 17, 2009

Posted: September 12, 2009, 9:31 PM
oh and to help with the sleeping in the first 2 weeks once i made the choice to quit it alltogether, I was having a glass of red wine after dinner instead of a im ok without it but i still like a glass of red as a nightcap some nights. If that's not an option for you then think of others like a hot bath or a massage,hot choc,reading a book etc etc...whichever floats ya boat. I wish you all the best on this journey to recovery. You have started it buy coming to this board even if it takes a year from now to make changes .. the very beginnings are in the thoughts, & whilee we might take a step forward we can take two steps back sometimes but always try to take that step forward and you will win in the end :)
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