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Partner Smokes Synthetics

Posted: April 23, 2014, 10:48 PM

My parnter & I have been together for 17 years he has always smoked cannabis since I have known him it wasn't as bad as he now smokes synthetics.
He has been on this product since it came into the law & since his job started testing for drugs. But it has gotten worst as he gets very violent when he don't have anything to smoke. He takes it out on me, saying that I spend all the cash but I'm the one working now as he chucked his job in, & when he don't have any I give in so I don't get the abuse which I know is totally wrong but how can I get out of it, I pay the rent, vehicle a.p's, power, phone & buy shopping. So when I explain my situation about where the money has gone it's never good enough.
I don't want to walk away cause I know it's not him but how can I teach him that the synthetics is taking over his life & mine & our children. Which I don't let my kids know how I'm feeling.
I want to walk away just to let him know what it's doing to us, especially me, he won't get help as he's in denial. He thinks it's me who has the promblem but I feel that I'm just doing what any mother would.
When he was working I was a stay home mother but I will be honest I didn't clean & cook everyday but I ended up doing it because no-one else would, but now he's the one at home all I ask is that he helps out sometimes, I don't expect him to clean or cook just clean up every now & then. But as I have seen since he's not working he has lost proud in himself as in appearance as well as health wise. He don't listen to anything I say he thinks, I just think I am perfect now cause I am working. But it's nothing like that. As well as he sit's in the room all day & night just smoking, it's like his own man cave, he don't go out only when he wants something. & he don't like too talk to people if they come over. It's like he has let the synthetics take over his life. But I can't get through to him.

I don't know if anyone could. & I don't know what to do? Should I let him hit rock bottom????

Leave him to himself???

Posted: May 5, 2014, 5:04 PM
Hey I stumbled on this page almost by incident but you seem to be in a difficult situation here and nobody's answering you.

One thing is sure : those situations came become unbearable for you, you mustn't let it drown you. You're doing everything alone here, and get slamed for it when he can't smoke.
I vaguely understand how he got there but if you don't find a way to have him at least try to resolve the situation, you'll get more and more angry inside you every day and one day finally explode and make things you don't want to.

Don't let this happen, confront him even if it means discords. There is a problem and if you both don't get through it the couple is over anyway. From the sound of it the best that can happen to him currently is a good kick in the butt. Or maybe he's just too far gone, I don't know...

Good luck !


Posted: September 14, 2014, 4:36 PM
Hiya, I'm In a similar situation. I've been with my husband 3 years and hes always smoked weed but he swapped the synthetics a year ago. His anger and lack of patience has totally destroyed our marriage and for for the first time I told him to leave a few weeks ago. I wasnt putting up with it any longer, he could arrange contact for our daughter but I wanted him out. He broke down completely and we made a real break through. We're waiting for him to have a week of work in a couple weeks and he's going to quit in that week. In the mean time hes going to get help from a therapist. Be strong x
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