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Anyone Addicted To Food

Posts: 764
Joined: June 23, 2005

Posted: March 27, 2006, 11:25 AM
I am amazed that this topic is still going..... I have learned alot since I posted this I have learned that the sugar high just replaced the drug high for me.... Thats why I craved the sugar the way I did.....so I have slowed my sugar consumption but I literally went through withdrawl that was pretty nasty not as bad as the pain pill withdrawl but still a withdrawl......No withdrawl is a walk in the park..... So people that are recovering addicts it is Very Important to watch your sugar intake because sugar itself is a drug for the body..... The result can be becoming overwieght, rotting teeth, immune system damage, Diabetes......among other health risks and problems.....so remember anything in excess is its own addiction.......I turned my pill and alcohol addiction into a sugar addiction.....Now I am learning to eat well and stay healthy and believe me the pounds wil melt off Im 4 11 and I weigh as of right now 119 and Im doing good....... Yoga and pilaties are powerfull tools for mental and physical health during recovery......

Love and Hugs

The day I gave my life to god is the day I took my life out of the hands of an idiot.


Posts: 686
Joined: February 11, 2005

Posted: March 27, 2006, 4:36 PM
I am shocked as well, when I checked the board to see this topic still going. I had my weight loss surgery Jan 9th of 06 and am down 36lbs, 44 more to go to reach goal. It has been tuff.

Posted: March 28, 2006, 7:50 PM
I stopped using pain pills a year ago and I have realized I have major insecurity issues and have always been a compulsive overeater and I binge and purge and do all sorts of horrible things to my body to lose weight which never happens. I am in oa and it helps quite a bit as long as you stick to it. Makes excercising and eating healthy easier. I cant remember a time I wasnt feeling bad about my weight and trying a diet or worse to lose the weight. I dont know what it takes to stop feeling like that other than oa. It would be really nice to have that on this website since the issue isnt addressed that much!!!!!



Posted: April 19, 2006, 8:34 PM
just to let you know that food addiction is one of the most horrific addictions I have ever had to face. I now go to a 12 step called Food Addicts in Recovery Aynonomous. It works as well as you work for the program. Thank God for FA

Posted: April 13, 2007, 11:59 PM
Hi everyone! I am brand new here and just found this wonderful web site! I am not usually the type to jump right in and post. Actually, I never post anything anywhere anymore because I have believed the part of me that says, "You have nothing to offer!" or, "Oh, why bother? Posting won't make a difference to you or anyone else!"

Anyway, I'm going to go against that voice starting right now. If it were not for all the wonderful people on this web site and so many others I have consulted (other health issues), I would be a different person. Advice and experiences of others has made such a tremendous difference to me, so maybe someday, somewhere my post will be useful to someone else.

Anyway: Addicted to food. Yes! Not anymore because lucky me: my addictive issue is one where I make addictions of nearly anything. I have been symptom-free for a very long time up until now. But that is for a different post.

My food addiction haunted me for ten years. I got to a great counselor who I didn't need to go back to because I worked through the book that she recommended: Overcoming Overeating. It was the kind of therapy that I needed. It might not be for everyone, as it is not a 12-step approach. But my goodness, it changed my life forever. I marvel every day at my healthy relationship to food now! I can even enjoy it and look forward to a meal or treat in a healthy way. I cannot recommend this book enough.
But do ask your counselor or sponsor or whomever you trust before employing the method, as I don't know that it would be healthy for everyone. It isn't easy either -- not at all. Talk about letting go -- wow! It took me a full year to finally be fully "recovered" (for lack of a better word!) This was because letting go was so difficult to do.

I so hope that my post wasn't too rambly. And I hope that you can find a method that works for you and experience the joy of eating again.



Posts: 101
Joined: August 28, 2007

Posted: August 28, 2007, 9:30 PM
Hi All,
I just joined this group yesterday. I posted briefly on the MJ site. Smoking and over-eating have been long time addictions for me. When I quit smoking cigarettes in 1984 I began smoking pot daily and gained weight. It has crept up on me over the years. I was declined for life insurance due to weight. Now I have a "fatty liver" that needs to be scanned every 6 months. I guess that slapped me out of denial and I started weight watchers 7 months ago. I have lost a little over 20 pounds but still have 40 to go till I reach my goal weight. It is tough but it is possible. I had given up on diets and thought that I would never be able to do it. Now I'm giving up the pot again. It has made the food issue even harder. My mind is telling me "Come on, you have to have one vice. You can't expect me to go without fatty/sweet foods AND pot." Daytime is ok for me because I never smoked until the evening. But after work I am so restless and irritable. Walking is my main exercise and that does help. In the evening I feel so lonesome and sorry for myself. It helps to read others' postings. Thanks for listening.

Posted: October 30, 2007, 8:49 AM
This post is still going. I looked back at what I had posted in the past.
I am now at 145lbs from 235 prior to weight loss surgery, so good for me.

I do have to say I was/am truly addicted to food, as losing this much weight, I have just switched my DOC.

Am working hard on getting to the bottom of this ugliness and the voice that tells me i am worth no more.

Anyway, hello old pals

Posts: 1901
Joined: December 25, 2007

Posted: June 6, 2008, 6:28 PM
I know these posts are old, but count me in as someone who would like to see a food addiction board! How about it moderators?

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

I am a recovering codependent, and mother of a recently relapsed drug and alcohol addicted (20 year addiction) adult daughter.

Thinking we are in control of anything or anyone else but ourselves is an illusion. And actually we have very little control over what happens to us as well. What will happen will happen. So let go & let God. This is my path to serenity. What happens if we just let go of what we "think" we are controlling? The world keeps on turning and life goes on. I trust that the Lord Jesus will bring me through what He brings me to.

Take what you need & leave the rest.

I sometimes have bad days. That's ok, I used to have bad years.

The Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Jesus loves us.


Posts: 11
Joined: January 26, 2009

Posted: January 26, 2009, 4:16 PM
Hi, everyone it's MARINA here ! As a 50 year old mother of three children who is a self proclaimed "food-a-holic" and has lost 100 POUNDS writing music for the health & fitness communities to motivate and inspire...here is a free song "by me" for you.

Enjoy and as always...

Never Stop Movin'!


<Posting links to commercial sites is prohibited. Please refrain from doing so. Thank you.

The Mods>

This post has been edited by moderator on January 27, 2009, 6:01 PM

Posted: April 29, 2009, 8:22 AM

please check out my blog http://addicted2foods.blogspot.com/

it is my journey i hav started to overcome my food addiction, i would love your support, i am 22, 157cm and 88kgs and counting, i want to stop the counting dead in its tracks and start counting down instead.

would love your support and hoefully through my journey i can also encourage you.

Posts: 1901
Joined: December 25, 2007

Posted: June 15, 2009, 2:43 PM

This post has been edited by lightacandle on June 22, 2009, 9:00 PM

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

I am a recovering codependent, and mother of a recently relapsed drug and alcohol addicted (20 year addiction) adult daughter.

Thinking we are in control of anything or anyone else but ourselves is an illusion. And actually we have very little control over what happens to us as well. What will happen will happen. So let go & let God. This is my path to serenity. What happens if we just let go of what we "think" we are controlling? The world keeps on turning and life goes on. I trust that the Lord Jesus will bring me through what He brings me to.

Take what you need & leave the rest.

I sometimes have bad days. That's ok, I used to have bad years.

The Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Jesus loves us.

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