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Coming Off Suboxone

Posts: 1
Joined: February 4, 2015

Posted: February 4, 2015, 11:58 AM
Hi everyone. I'm scared sh######. I have been an addict for almost 20 years. I became pregnant in 2011 and was taken off 8mg subs two times a day cold turkey. Worst time of my life and it took me a good few months to feel "normal" again and to be honest I still craved it. My mind set was stuck nin addiction. Fast forward to march 2014. I moved back to my hometown with my two kids and there dad (who does not know I started subs again) and picked up my habit almost immediately. Their dad is very cold, unsupportive and will try to take them from me if he found out. Long story short, I want to get off these things for good. Insurance won't cover my appointments and it costs too much and I'm not able to afford it. I have been back on it for almost a year and I only have 5 strips to wean myself off with. If anyone is going thru this please tell me what's working for u. I realize we are all different and I'm determined to make this happen. I know the physical discomfort will be a struggle but what I'm really worried about is the mental part. I know I have to change my mindset. I don't have a choice in this matter anymore. I know I have to rid myself of this for me and my kids. I'm scared. My relationship with my sister is going to crap. She too is an addict and on subs and I know I am going to have to distance myself from her. I plan on documenting my path to freedom. Today marks day one of the process. I haven't taken a dose yet since they are at the pharmacy and I'm unable to drive at the moment. Waiting for my codependant sister to show up so I can get my meds and give away half of them due to having to have others pay for my appointment. I will check back in later. Advice, as long as its positive and no bashing) will be appreciated.

Posts: 20
Joined: January 27, 2015

Posted: February 4, 2015, 5:15 PM
4mg - 2 days
2m - 8 days
1mg- 8 days
.5mg- 8 days
.25mg- 16 days or until ready to jump

this would be my suggestion, idk what your thinking though. It may look like an intense schedule, but if you stick to it I can promise it wont be as hard as it sounds to get down to the .25mg. I am sure you know yourself that 16 and 8mg doses are far more than we actually need to begin with. I'm not a doctor, and certainly don't share the same opinions on this of most.

this is based on having 5 8mg films, if tablets i can explain how to properly do this, but its not as easy.

i havent jumped from the tapered dose yet, but have heard its somewhat less intense than the 2, 8, or 16mg jumps.

also on a dose of .25mg those 8's last over a month each. not that i am suggesting to stay on it if your ready to quit.

This post has been edited by stinkfist on February 4, 2015, 5:25 PM

Posted: February 14, 2015, 6:58 PM
i found that there is no real comedown from suboxone so you have no reason to be scared it only helps a bit with the withdrael of herion but do yourself a favour get a 12 month naltrexone inplant and you will not have any cravings at all or even think of using again i was a herion addict fot 18 years and after inplant dont want or crave it no more ,it will change your life ! They should give it to all herion addicts !! suboxone for me was a wast of time i used on it just needed to use more it doesnt work for me because if you dont take the pill you can use and it doesnt help with cravings INPLANT !!!!!!!
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