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Achieving My Goals For 2010

Posts: 1
Joined: February 17, 2010

Posted: February 17, 2010, 9:32 AM
Let 2010 be the Year where everything you have aspired to achieve, you achieve ......

And so 2010 has begun again in earnest ..... I am looking forward to this "even" numbered year of the seeds that I sowed last year with regards to self, my loved one's, relationships, friends now coming to fruition be that either good or bad.

I have sown the seeds and I should be prepared for what they yield in 2010. I will take each gift and consequence, Just For Today.

I will live life on life's terms as in my doing so I will be prepared for crises which in turn will bring about change, which in turn will bring about growth and for that I am grateful.

I will embrace any eventuality and ensure that I learn from that eventuality, for in "not learning the lesson" I would have just put myself right back to where I left off ..... at Zero again. So therefore, it is in my best interest to learn the lesson and move forward. For if I don't learn the lesson I am neither moving forward nor moving backwards. I am stagnant and stationery and when I am stagnant and stationery I do not grow!

I will take heed of constructive criticism, constructive criticism usually comes from a loving place and I will see it as such, and try to the best of my ability to see my part in how the constructive criticism came about. I will take responsibility and accountability for when I do that I speed up the process of becoming an Acceptable, Responsible and Productive member of society once again.

I will tell the people in my life that I love and value their place in my space.

I will make myself humble and vulnerable and I will share what is on my mind and what is going on for me more freely.

I will listen more attentively and ensure that my "head space" is uncluttered so that I am able to hear what is being shared with me.

I will be ME, UNADULTERATED and REAL to the best of my ability.

I will be grateful for the Gift of being CLEAN & SOBER for yet another day, I will acknowledge my Gratitude to my Higher Power.

I will be kind to me, myself and I, Just For Today.

I will honestly, with open-mindedness & willingness tackle each day as it is presented to me, staying away from self will but instead aspiring to hand my will over to my HP.

I will be of the understanding that everything I need and want is right in front of me, all I have to do is get out of my own way.

This post has been edited by CeeGee on February 17, 2010, 9:40 AM

Everything I need and want is right in front of me, all I need to do is get out of my own way!
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