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Never Been Addicted... Now The Needle

Posted: October 24, 2015, 8:58 PM
I am looking for some advice. I have never been able to get addicted to anything. I have always been so syressed about doing everything right and having to do everything onmy own with 2 boys. After my youngest graduated this year i made a choice to forget my past. I had someone shoot me up with meth. I didnt start small either. NNatural high tolerance took me 40 units before i even felt its bliss. Cursed with a panic and anxiety disorder it became my answer. Oddly it prevents the anxiety. Tho now for the past few weeks i have seen it is now something im just WANTING to do. The needle the high. I have never let something take hold of me.... now im lost. I want to stop but i dont want anyone to find out so i am going at this alone. Anyone have any advice on how to handle the withdrawal or the "itch"? Anything at all please!!

Posted: November 21, 2015, 6:31 AM
U have to tell someone, may b someone that love u very much if u talk to that person n if that person love u that person will understand n help you about, don't be Afrait

Posted: April 9, 2016, 8:51 PM
Im thirty years old and have been on meth for 20 years. The first time i used meth i was shot up by my step father, what a child hood!! look two years ago i hit rock bottom, found my self on the edge of sanity, strung out hard on the needle. it took every thing in my power, and i belive some from the all father, to kick it. when i first came off meth i still would go threw the ritual of makeing up a shot and, just useing water actualy doing a shot. It did help because i was still going threw the actions. its not the meth so much thats so addicting, the act of slamming is so much more. i had a bad addition to shooting up and sex for a fue years also. becides the water idea, fresh fruit seemed to help that and candy. find some thing to ocupy your mind. sex is a good one. truly it helps, it helps to have the intimacy, but it helps with some type of rush in your life. get your butt out of the house. dont let youfr self start the poor me crap, if you start to slip into the feeling sorry for your self rutine, belive me, its just for the attntion. you dont need any body accept your self and if you have one maby a relation ship with your higher power. if you have one ask them for the strenth and guideance. Good luck to you. its a hard road but you can over come it. the need never fully goes away, but you are better with out it. you are not a junkie. you are a
tweeker though. sorry to say. we never fully lose that name. but dont be ashamed of being an addict. we have led lives that most people could never even dream of. my the gods and goddesses smile upon you

Posted: April 19, 2016, 10:55 PM
i'm in my late thirties...introduced to meth the summer after high school. I kicked it twice since and established myself niece with a great career and friends. Relationship ruined me and I started toying with the s*** again. About a year ago I decided to shoot up. It's been hell since then.

It'll always be -


I'm hopeful but damn I can't stay away. Scared and confused for sure - but when i'm high all of that melts away and in a wonderful blissful spot like no other.

if you've never done it - don't.

Posts: 2
Joined: April 27, 2016

Posted: April 27, 2016, 6:31 PM

I am now 36 and sober but when I was 18 I found myself divorced and a single mother. I flipped out here I was a High School drop out no job no money divorced with a new baby. I started using so I didn't have to deal with life. It wasn't long before I started shooting up. Soon it became all I thought about it consumed me and I went to jail many times and even prison twice. My mother stayed beside me the whole time. my son had to go live with his grandmother. When I got out of prison the last time I was 22 my mother told me if I left I could never come back but I didn't believe her so I did. When I got home 2 days later I couldn't get in the house and she was serious. I begged her to come home and she said it was my last chance. By this time I really wanted to stop so I made up my mind to do so. At first all I did was sleep I think for three days straight. Then my mother would come in my room and open my blinds to try and get my body back on regular time. After a couple of weeks everytime I started to think about calling my friend s I would go to the track and jog. When my friends would call my mother wouldn't tell me and if they came by she would run them off. After about 2 months I found a job and tried to work all I could to stay busy. The key is to change your environment and get rid of those friends. I am still working for the same company 15 years later and haven't thought about doing drugs In years. Good luck!
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