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Posted: December 31, 2004, 5:03 PM
i got a 6 month naltrexone implant from the lifeback clinic last year and I want to know if there is an implant for crack.
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Posted: January 1, 2005, 12:21 AM
keep your implant.......enough are dead !!!!!!!!!!!
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Posted: January 1, 2005, 7:33 AM
frog, ignore the above post.
As you know Naltrexone is an effective therapy if used correctly. There is no such implant for crack unfortunately. -------------------- A Buddhist Lama once said to me, "Do the opposite of whatever I tell you." So I didn't. Get Help for Codeine Addiction Here | ||
Posted: January 4, 2005, 9:29 AM
I was warned that if I tried to overcome the blocker by using on top I could OD. The implant has actually saved my life as I was 6 stone and covered in pus and abseses. I had no life. I only ever thought about Heroin. I lost my life, relationships and kids. I was selling my body (what was left of it) and even the perverts were turning me down. I have heard that there were some deaths in the states from rapid detox under anaesthetic but none caused by the implant, just caused by being oversedated or not being looked after properly while detoxing. I did try to use on top of the implant but I wasted my money. I havent tried since. I reckon that the only way is to do a slow detox. No pain no gain. You have to have your head straight before attempting to detox. They are safe, but you need to be clean before you get one and then you dont withdraw.
Implants arent right for everyone, but then neither is 12 step or methadone! What is right for one is so wrong for another!. The more treatment options are available the more chance people like me have of success, Yes I can keep my implant. It worked for me. I wont judge you man and dont you judge me, or my choices. I am strong again. So what worked for you or are you still searching?! | ||
Posted: January 4, 2005, 7:42 PM
Frog, well done and keep up the good work.
Guest is on a crusade against Naltrexone under the false beleif that the drug kills addicts and it is part of a US Government conspiracy. I have many friends on Naltrexone and know that it cxan be a useful part of overall recovery. Good luck and Happy New Year -------------------- A Buddhist Lama once said to me, "Do the opposite of whatever I tell you." So I didn't. Get Help for Codeine Addiction Here | ||
Posted: January 5, 2005, 6:56 AM
I can recommend the treatment I recieved at the lifeback clinic in the UK.
I didnt feel judged, pressured or pushed into any type of treatment. I was unsure at first and made a lot of appointments that I just didnt turn up for but they just said youre only ready when you are ready and outside pressure to stop doesnt work. I didnt feel as if I was wasting their time because they just said come when you want. They didnt have a waiting list and when I eventually went it was on a sunday morning at 11am! It was so simple. I had to get some counselling after as they found out I had hepc. I guess I knew really underneath as you cant get away with all those years of abusing your body without some form of damage. I look after my liver now and I am strong. I got clean before i went but wasnt sure if the implant was the right way. It seemed so final but then I thought Hey, I want final. I dont want to be able to use again. I was only at the clinic for a couple of hours and they gave me some diazepam after I had signed the consent forms so I wasnt too stressed about the proceedure. I neednt have worried as i was awake all the time and they just numbed the area and put the implant in under the skin. It only took a few minutes. I just want to tell everyone now Im clean that it doesnt have to be hard. Stay strong. Dont pay any notice to those who try to push you to give up. They mean well but youare only ready when YOU are ready. | ||
Posted: January 5, 2005, 11:49 PM
who runs the life back clinic ?
carol | ||
Posted: January 6, 2005, 1:44 AM
I am not judging you,how ever i cannot let you promote a drug that was never clinically or scientificaly proven in maintenance Naltrexone maintenance treatment for opioid dependence. Kirchmayer U, Davoli M, Verster A. Agenzia di Sanita Pubblica Regione Lazio, Via di S. Costanza, 53, Rome, Lazio, Italy, 00198. BACKGROUND: Despite widespread use of naltrexone maintenance in many countries for more than a decade, the evidence of its effects has not yet been systematically evaluated. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of naltrexone maintenance treatment in preventing relapse in opioid addicts after detoxification. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched MEDLINE (1973-first year of naltrexone use in humans-July 2000), EMBASE (1974-July 2000), Cochrane Controlled Trials Register (Cochrane Library issue 2000, 3) and handsearched the "Bolletino per le Farmacodipendenze e l'Alcolismo" (1978 to 1997) and reference lists of relevant articles. We contacted pharmaceutical producers of naltrexone, authors and other Cochrane review groups. Date of most recent searches: July 2000. SELECTION CRITERIA: All controlled studies of naltrexone; treatment of heroin addicts after detoxification. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Reviewers evaluated data independently and analysed outcome measures taking into consideration adherence to and success of the study intervention. Data was extracted and analysed stratifying for the three categories of study quality. Where possible, meta-analysis was performed. MAIN RESULTS: Eleven studies met the criteria for inclusion in this review, even if not all of them were randomised. The methodological quality of the included study varied, but was generally poor. Meta-analysis could be performed to a very low degree only, because the studies and their outcome measures were very heterogeneous. A statistically significant reduction of (re-)incarcerations was found for patients treated with naltrexone and behaviour therapy respect to those treated with behaviour therapy only. The other outcomes considered in the meta-analysis did not yield any significant results. Final conclusions on whether naltrexone treatment may be considered effective in maintenance therapy cannot be drawn from the clinical trials available so far. REVIEWER'S CONCLUSIONS: The available trials do not allow a final evaluation of naltrexone maintenance treatment yet. A trend in favour of treatment with naltrexone was observed for certain target groups (particularly people who are highly motivated), as has been previously described in the literature. the drug implanted is what this talks about and the implant is not f.d.a approved due to it's carrier. if i have to scare you to keep you clean i will !!! Do not discontinue Naltrexone without supervison. Naltrexone may still be working after you think it wore off . Do not even use SMALL AMTS OF DRUGS you may not know if the atangonist is working for you or against you. do not take over the counter drugs .....cough syrups, anti diaharrea meds. Have a doctor monitor your heart as well as liver. Depression is another concern. Stay safe | ||
Posted: January 6, 2005, 7:29 PM
If you list all the drugs that are approved without Randomised Control Trials you will fill ten encyclopaedias.
What you are posting is not research, its a commentary on the available literature (mind you its 4 years old). It actually comments favourably on Naltrexone in rates on incarceration and states that final evaluation requires further research. Nearly every drug on the market is in the same position. Randomised controlled trials almost always always come after a drug is approved for sale. I again cite the case of Viagra, developed for hypertension but used in male impotency successfully before any Randomised Controlled Trials were performed. What you state about "carriers" is nonsense, and antagonist always work against the opiate, the do not and can not potentiate a dose of opiate. This is misleading in the extreme. -------------------- A Buddhist Lama once said to me, "Do the opposite of whatever I tell you." So I didn't. Get Help for Codeine Addiction Here | ||
Posted: January 8, 2005, 12:52 AM
Thank you silent partner!
Naltraxone implants are saving many addicts lives. The real government conspiracy is that here in Australia it costs $1800 for a 9 month implant. How many families on the pension can afford that? A naltraxone implant gives you the time and space to get your life back on track without the possibility of using looming over your head every minute of the day. A chance to put on some weight, and relearn that there is a purpose to life beyond scamming and scoring. Yes, the surgery is revolting. I've had open heart surgery, and the implant surgery was more uncomfortable, without a doubt. Another reason not to go back on the gear. But as Frog discovered, sometimes when you put one crutch down, you just pick another up. If you get the implant, you just CAN'T start playing around with speed or coke or crack. 'Cos you'll just end up in exactly the same position - a junkie with nothing and no one - you're just not addicted to smack. I can't recommend the implant strongly enough. I know many people who are really back on track with their lives and 100% happier (myself included) after getting an implant. Guest - you need to see someone about your paranoia, silent partner - thank god for the voice of reason and frog - give up drugs altogether. It makes life much easier and happy. | ||
Posted: January 8, 2005, 2:13 AM
The only time i hear these posts are investors ,not patients.
Silent partner to what ? My research old ?2004 is not old and the deaths have been for decades. I challenge my so called old posts to you sending science that proves Naltrexone in maintenance or implant . The Nida still reports a 75% drop out rate with naltrexone with patients not paid to stay compliant . relapse can be death. just say no ,never worked before ,why would it work today? Prove the implants deliver Naltrexone invivo. YOU SAID....."CONSPIRACY IN THE U.S" ? DON'T KNOW ? What i do know with documented proof that the reported detox deaths were Naltrexone deaths and implant deaths. I do know that the N.j state medcial boards investigation was bogus again with documented proof . The Governor who has reported scandals was a lobbyist for Merck......home of naltrexone ......N.j. Pay to play state .... known for corruption. It has been reported by many there search. Vioxx one of Merck drugs removed from market. Reported by CBS ,Scientists have lost their jobs for warning dangers . F.d.a whistleblower Dr.Graham REPORTED "KILLERDRUGS" WITH A SCAM IN THEF.D.A. I TRIED TO BE A WHISTLEBLOWER FOR THE 2 ND TIME. AGAIN DOCUMENTED PROOF . I DID NOT ASK FOR REPRESENTATION , BUT AM WILLING TO GIVE INFORMATION OF THIS SCAM AT NO COST : HERE IS THE REPLY; My second letter thinking i had a window because DuPont Merck and the F.D.A were sited in an article on KILLER DRUGS. see part 2 | ||
Posted: January 8, 2005, 2:15 AM
part2 | ||
Posted: January 8, 2005, 2:21 AM
A moms letter:
Had her son been treated for his addiction,whould he be in jail ? NIDA.....".NALTREXONE IS NOT TREATMENT FOR ADDICTION." Recently I was researching a topic for a course I am taking at the university. I was looking for information to help me develop a needs assessment I plan on doing as my thesis component. I was looking at harm reduction information and came upon your request for writings. I am not a great writer, but as a mother, who was pushed to becoming entangled in the criminal justice system, I would like to say how I feel. It wasn’t easy accepting that my son was using drugs and worst of all accepting that he could not fight his addiction. Today I feel at ease for many reasons, at least I thought I did until I started writing and remembering. You see, I try not to remember. I just live. I eat, sleep (sometimes not easily) and I wait until the day of the week that I can visit my son. Then when that day finally comes, the nightmare begins. I have to get up at five in the morning and travel two and a half hours on the expressway to get to where he is. Once I am there, nightmare part two begins. I start praying that the guards will not find anything wrong with my clothes, shoes, or any other thing that they may decide to bother me with. Some of them are okay, others are wicked. They treat you like the hallway rug and if you're not careful they will find a way of curling you up against the wall. At times I try and justify their attitudes and wonder how I would feel being entrusted with groups of individuals whom they despise, but have to tolerate. But I cannot feel wicked, I cannot picture myself being mean to a grandmother who can barely carry her soul and who is probably the only person an inmate has to bring him some freshness from the outside world. You see, these young men are in maximum-security custody and their visits are limited. Sometimes we see them through a glass window and twice a month we get to hug them. I know they are not there because they were praying in church, a favorite comment of the guards, but they are still our children. Then I come back to reality and despise any mention of drugs. My son was in this jail, which he made for himself, for so many years. His behavior at home was excellent, he went to college, yet he was on drugs. When I finally became aware of his problem I took him through so many drug rehabilitation programs, but they did no good. As a matter of fact he was on Naltrexone when he was charged with entering into someone’s home and taking their money. At one point I gave him money and his dad made me feel like a criminal, yet I was in a way reducing the harm that was eventually caused by leaving him on his own. That same night that he was picked up by the police, he had unlawfully entered two homes. He got 30 years for this. He is now serving his sentence. Sometimes I still cry because he is my youngest son; and then I wonder if he was still out on the street could he have hurt someone or maybe someone could have killed him. So in a way, at least he is still alive and he has put himself through his own rehabilitation process. He acts clean, looks sober, and once again has the love of life he had before he went into drugs. Many things pass through our lives and the lives of our children. Sometimes I pray for those who lose their children because, in a way, I lost mine to the criminal justice system. The only difference is that I can fight to win him back. And I will always fight, as long as God is willing be there for him. Right now one of my greatest worries is that he has Hepatitis C, a condition he had before going to jail because of his drug habit. After almost a year, they still have not given him any treatment. Maybe he does not need it, as he tells me not to worry. Or maybe the correctional system just does not care. Only God knows. I know one thing, I must look for ways to get my son out of the criminal justice system. He does not deserve to be in a cell under maximum security where his mental health could deteriorate. I think the government should do something to try and bring more educational and cultural activities to them, plus a better medical system. But what am I asking for, they're only inmates, a burden to the correctional system and a problem for some people in our world. | ||
Posted: January 8, 2005, 2:35 AM
Silent partner do the me science that proves Naltrexone.
I can prove the deaths. You sound predjudice, in the fact you say "naltrexone dosen't cause the deaths, overdose does . WHY SHOULD ADDICTS OVERDOSE IF TREATMENT WORKS? Think of the parent who paid for 8 implants still her son ended up dead. Remember i toldyou , the U.S DOES NOT CHECK FOR NALTREXONE POSTMORTEM. medcial examiners and toxicologist told me to make noise. I do........i pray every night i will not find another death. When overdose hit pediatrics with Naltrexone........i continue to make noise. update me on Naltrexone success. it 's fraud. | ||
Posted: January 8, 2005, 3:19 AM
Naltrexone is designed to stop an addict from getting high. It is NOT a treatment for preventing overdose.
So, if you use to get high you will die from overdose because you need to take a toxic dose to beat the drug and feel a high. This is not a failure of Naltrexone, it is a failure of the addict who tries to beat the implant despite being told it will result in death. Which part of this do you not understand? I am not biased at all, I am objective and rational. I understand pharmacology and I undertsand the disease of addiction. I only waste time countering your rants because you risk putting people off naltrexone with misinformation such as "naltrexone is an opioid". And last of all, why would you check on autopsy for an implant when the toxicology shows overdose? Again, naltrexone is not designed to prevent overdose, it is designed to prevent a user getting high. This post has been edited by The Silent Partner on January 8, 2005, 3:21 AM -------------------- A Buddhist Lama once said to me, "Do the opposite of whatever I tell you." So I didn't. Get Help for Codeine Addiction Here | ||
Posted: January 8, 2005, 5:17 AM
And you are not educated on the drug NALTREXONE. | ||
Posted: January 8, 2005, 7:30 AM
Nothing you say makes any sense and non of it is consistent.
First of all, you say that while taking Naltrexone even small amounts of drugs are lethal. Show me the results of these trials. These are the same trials that you said in 3 other posts don't exist. Instead of posting 200 lines of ranting, produce some rational thought and objective discussion. Many here have posted on the benefits they have derived from Naltrexone but you choose to ignore them. That whole post you did on whistleblowing has nothing to do with Naltexone but I am guessing it may have something to do with the cost of litigation in the US? Perhaps? I have stated in 3 posts that I agree Naltrexone is not a "treatment" for addiction. Either is Methadone or Buprenorphine but they are useful therapies and have some benefits. Naltrexone is not a therapy, but it also does not kill. Explain the physiological mechanism by which you believe Naltrexone kills people. Of course saying no is not treatment. Naltrexone removes the opportunity of getting high from opiates. Simple. That is all it is meant for and it works. It is not a cure for addiction. It does not prevent overdose. It does show up on toxicology but again, there is no mechanism by which Naltrexone can kill anyone so why would anyone test for it. They don't test for bubblegum corstisone either if the cause of death is opiate overdose. Your son died from an opiate overdose because he tried to beat the implant and get high. If you had ever used Naltrexone and then used opiates, you would see that it prevents a high. Because an addict doesnt get high they stop obessive thinking about opiates and they stop craving. This is what Naltrexone is designed for, nothing more, nothing less. -------------------------------- If you want to argue that you can die from opiate overdose while using Naltrexone, I agree. If you want to argue that there is a high rate of relapse after therapy stops, I agree. If you want to argue that users are at risk from overdose once therapy is ceased, I agree. If you want to argue that Naltrexone doesn't cure addiction, I agree. I have no comment on the use of Naltrexone for alcoholism because I have no experience in this field. I have no comment on "corruption in the FDA, DEA, Governors, Whisteblowers act because (a) i live in australia and dont believe that everyone is out to get me and (b) Im just not that paranoid. And last of all, I am not an "investor" in Naltrexone though I have to admit I wouldnt mind 10% of the turnover. I am just the partner of an addict who knows dozens of addicts who have used Naltrexone effectively with no problems because they know they cant get high without dying. Explain the physiological mechanism by which you believe Naltrexone kills people. Explain how you take naltrexone and you die if you do not overdose on opiates. This post has been edited by The Silent Partner on January 9, 2005, 2:33 AM -------------------- A Buddhist Lama once said to me, "Do the opposite of whatever I tell you." So I didn't. Get Help for Codeine Addiction Here | ||
Posted: January 10, 2005, 3:50 PM
We agree with Silent Partner that Naltrexone has not proven lethal when taken as prescribed (with perhaps the rare exception of an allergic reaction). As with any addiction medication, Naltrexone can be dangerous if taken in combination with other drugs. We recommend that anyone interested in this medication, please inquire with your physician.
We also feel that providing inaccurate information regarding Naltrexone or any other medication is counter-productive to the purpose of this message board. Many individuals have benefited from Naltrexone when used as prescribed under the supervision of their physician. | ||
Posted: January 11, 2005, 3:22 AM
1986 :The anagesic potency and toxicity (lethality) of morphine were increased 2.5 times after implantation of 7.5-mg sc.naltrexone implants in the mouse for 8days.
The report concluded the decrease in the LD 50 of morphine after 8days of naltrexone treatment raises the possibility that the toxicity of opiates maybe increased in patients who discontinue naltrexone maintenance treatment and resume opiates. My comment: The NIDA REPORTED NALTREXONE IS NOT TREATMENT FOR ADDICTION. Why wouldn't patients discontinue Naltrexone and resume drugabuse when it does not treat addiction? Naltrexone has never been proven to stop cravings as was reported earlier by doctors selling their miracle "cures." American Society for Pharmacological and Experimental Theraputics. Volume 239,issue 1,pp.132-135.10/01/1986 In the US Miotto reported Overdose.suicde attempts and deaths among a cohort of naltrexone treated opioid addicts. 13 of 81subjects overdosed within the 12 month period.4 fatalities,one of which was a suicide. the 9 nonfatal over doses.there were 4 suicide attempts. This was an American study in 1997. Queensland reported deaths in their trials which i already gave you. 1998 2002 Serious adverse events in the Australian National Evaluation of Pharmcotherapies for opioid dependence. these were studies ,during treatment and leaving treatment. Naltrexone participants experienced 39 overdoses per 100person-years after leaving treatment {44% occurred within weeks of stopping naltrexone. volume99: Issue 4 How did the early implant patients die? First the doctor did not follow f.d.a.protocol. The early implants were mid 90'S were microspheres which were said to be used in an acceptable carrier , later in 2001 research (National Pharmceutical engineering Center,Shangai institute of eutical Industry Pharmaceutical Industry) reported release of naltrexone from4types of biodegradable microspheres wasinvestigated by HPLC. PLGA composition had a remarkable effect on naltrexone release from microspheres and its antagonism towards morphine analgesia. 2formulationsof PLGA 50:50 formulation released more then 80% of total Naltrexone and lost their antagonism by 8 d. ThePLGA 75:25 formulation with 20% and30% drugloadings didnotrelease (%% oftotal drug and lose antagonism until 40 and 30 d respectively. increasing the drugloading enhanced naltrexone release from microspheres and seemed to shorten the anelgesic antagonist effect of naltrexone. Naltrexone in itself needs close supervision , but the doctor in the U.S who used implants sent patients home with no follow up care or scheduled appointments Maintenance patients were dismissed keeping the total of deaths to a minimum of approx 7,who died within hrs to days after the procedure. The N.J state Medcial boards bogus investigation netted them much money for their investigation while Maintenance patients were buried as routine drugoverdoses ,and what was called detox patients were sold out because they USED !! Concent forms were signed for treatment and maintenance. We were never told Naltrexone is an abstinance based program or warned of the deaths prior. Researchers and doctors are still looking for the Science that proves Naltrexone in maintenance to this day. Addicts are disposable people. They couldn't give it away in the earliest of clinical trials. If addicts can remain abstinant why would you need Naltrexone and risk your life when the blockade may not work and the naltrexone will cause the accidental overdose? How many methadone patients or oxycontin patinets went to their deaths under Naltrexone treatment. Original trials only tested IV heroin users. Other drugs were not studied. What about the potency of todays heroin, does that change the 50 mg .dose? Moderator: Maybe if you knew the corruption in N.J from the govenor to his cabinet members......Money talks,its well advetised. If they did not hide the deaths i would not have researched. I needed closer . My son was CLEAN going into treatment and dead after the second implant. He was one of at least 3 deaths in 3months and dismissed by the Medical board even though the corraltion in the deaths were the implants, NOT THE DETOX. My son did not need to be detoxed. It was his first try at recovery after hearing the lies on National t.v, that this magic bullet was going to end his addiction. Frog please trust what i say.......YOU ARE MY CONCERN. Leaving maintenance or not being closely supervised and monitored can lead to death. I'm not hear to stop you from treatment especially if it is working for you. I just need you to know how people have died not knowing that the antagonist may not work when needed if not maintained properly or that even small amounts of drug can cause the accidental overdose. Please be safe. | ||
Posted: January 31, 2005, 10:10 AM
I think that its bollox to say that naltrexone causes overdose.
Overdose is caused by taking too much of a substance. Providing the prescriber educates the patient about the danger of reduced tolerance when the drug is prescribed, surely that is enough. You cannot remove the onus of responsibilty or choice from the patient for taking a drug they have been warned may cause death if taken when tolerence is low. People are advised not to drink alcohol when on methadone, but many chose to do this and die, should methadone also be banned? Should you also ban insulin beacuse people chose to ignore advice on looking after their diabetes? If this nanny state mindset continues, its no wonder people take drugs to escape. Informed consent, choice and free will are the words I would like you to consider. |
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