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Food Addiction?

Posts: 1901
Joined: December 25, 2007

Posted: June 6, 2008, 6:04 PM
Anybody want to talk about food addiction? I'm definitely addicted to sugar & flour. I don't do illegal drugs so food is my comfort, my relief from boredom, my stress reducer, etc. Of course it's actually none of those things but it is my mood alterer, for the moment I'm eating it anyway. Not good! I've gained too much weight, need to get it off. I attended Overeaters Anonymous at one time. I got off sugar & flour & man, talk about withdrawals! Unbelievable! I would dream about sweets like addicts dream about their drugs! I'm also very addicted to diet coke!!!! I'm starting to believe what Kevin Trudeau says in his books about the FDA putting addictive substances in our foods & drinks!

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

I am a recovering codependent, and mother of a recently relapsed drug and alcohol addicted (20 year addiction) adult daughter.

Thinking we are in control of anything or anyone else but ourselves is an illusion. And actually we have very little control over what happens to us as well. What will happen will happen. So let go & let God. This is my path to serenity. What happens if we just let go of what we "think" we are controlling? The world keeps on turning and life goes on. I trust that the Lord Jesus will bring me through what He brings me to.

Take what you need & leave the rest.

I sometimes have bad days. That's ok, I used to have bad years.

The Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Jesus loves us.


Posts: 8683
Joined: April 24, 2007

Posted: June 6, 2008, 6:41 PM
I'll be back to talk about this next week...after my daughter's grad party which is a food fest..

No, for real, I would like to discuss this LAC.

You will not change what you are willing to tolerate.

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Posts: 1901
Joined: December 25, 2007

Posted: June 6, 2008, 7:13 PM
Awesome M&M!
Oh & by the way, ENJOY!!! and congrats to your daughter!

Adding to this:

I can see where my addiction to food is similar to the addict. I crave & I usually give in to my addiction to sweets, floury foods, & overeating, & especially eating when I'm not even hungry -- eating due to stress, boredom, happiness, any reason is a good reason to eat!!! (not)

I'm really struggling right now to JUST SAY NO & boy is it hard. I think addiction to sugar & flour & diet coke is right up there with some illegal substances.

I need to FORCE myself to exercise daily or at least several times a week. This morning I did. But what about tomorrow...? I guess it's one day at a time like with everything else. Make the right choices TODAY is the key.

This post has been edited by lightacandle on June 9, 2008, 11:14 AM

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

I am a recovering codependent, and mother of a recently relapsed drug and alcohol addicted (20 year addiction) adult daughter.

Thinking we are in control of anything or anyone else but ourselves is an illusion. And actually we have very little control over what happens to us as well. What will happen will happen. So let go & let God. This is my path to serenity. What happens if we just let go of what we "think" we are controlling? The world keeps on turning and life goes on. I trust that the Lord Jesus will bring me through what He brings me to.

Take what you need & leave the rest.

I sometimes have bad days. That's ok, I used to have bad years.

The Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Jesus loves us.


Posts: 584
Joined: February 15, 2007

Posted: June 10, 2008, 10:49 AM
LAC- Well I definetly can relate to what you are saying. I am a stress eater, always have been probably always will. Guess I find comfort in eating myself into oblivion!!
I drink diet soda, probably 10 cans a day, I prefer diet coke but will drink diet pepsi- I have tried to stop or cut back, talk about a headache!!!! I am not sure why because I think I drink so much of it the taste is really not why I drink it. I like water in the summer but it has to be reallll cold, easier to pop open a can of soda.
I guess in a sense we are slowly killing ourselves just like our addicted love ones, difference ours is legal. I guess there is a few other differences but when you stop and think about it, overweight is a sure way to die young or have tons of health issues.
Well better work for awhile today, I am real curious to hear mnm's take on this...Sherri

Posts: 1901
Joined: December 25, 2007

Posted: June 11, 2008, 4:12 PM
Yes Sherri, Thanks for posting.... diet coke is a huge addiction for me. I try to limit myself to 2 a day but it's hard.

I'm always telling the addict she can't dabble, which is true. It always leads to full blown relapse for her. Guess what, neither can I. I can't have "1" cookie, etc. It leads to full blown pig out.

In some ways I think addiction to illegal substances would be easier to kick because you have a choice of whether or not to have the substances readily available to you. With food addiction, well, we have to have food to live. True we don't have to buy those "bad" foods that cause our binges & have them around the house, but we have to have food in the house!

This post has been edited by lightacandle on June 11, 2008, 4:12 PM

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

I am a recovering codependent, and mother of a recently relapsed drug and alcohol addicted (20 year addiction) adult daughter.

Thinking we are in control of anything or anyone else but ourselves is an illusion. And actually we have very little control over what happens to us as well. What will happen will happen. So let go & let God. This is my path to serenity. What happens if we just let go of what we "think" we are controlling? The world keeps on turning and life goes on. I trust that the Lord Jesus will bring me through what He brings me to.

Take what you need & leave the rest.

I sometimes have bad days. That's ok, I used to have bad years.

The Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Jesus loves us.


Posts: 584
Joined: February 15, 2007

Posted: June 12, 2008, 10:25 AM
I find I do better if I just don't buy all that junk food. The few months my husband was gone I bought, diet coke, weight watchers meals, fruits and veggies, and there is a high fiber bread that can be eaten on ww- I ate plenty, felt 100 times better and actually lost 20 some pounds!!
Well when he moved back, he is a junk food eater and I have no will power. We know buy chips, ice cream, cookies, along with the above but we also eat out at least twice a day due to our work schedule. I think the more junk you put in your system the more you crave that junk and now we know why america has so many overweight people....
I am short, barely 5 foot, so you know 5 pounds on a normal heighth person is like 20 pounds on me!!! There has to be a way to control stress without drowning it in food, but then food, alchol, drugs, all are addictive in someway.
I have taken in the last two days and drank a can of diet coke and then the next beverage is a cold bottle of water, by time I actually get it down I need another coke... caffeine, but thank goodness I don't drink coffee also
Maybe a exercise instead of food to relieve stress, not as fun but probably way more healthier!!!
My favorite, subways chocolate chip cookies, and wouldn't you know, plan such a healthy sandwich and at the checkout is those dang cookies yelling don't forget me!!!! They ought to move them at the beginning of the line, when you are focused on veggies and health.

Posts: 1901
Joined: December 25, 2007

Posted: June 12, 2008, 1:01 PM
Yeah & you know what's really weird, Sherri, is I LOVE vegetables. I could so easily be a vegetarian! I buy those steam in the bag veggies & I just love them. I'm better off doing that than cooking them myself because if I do I will add butter or oil & that's not good. And I'm too lazy, I probably wouldn't bother. I just pop these steamed ones in the microwave & then I spray canola oil (Pam-style) on them & use some salt substitute. I especially like the brussel sprouts & broccoli. I have to be careful even with those though because I can and will eat the whole bag in one sitting! Overeater to the max.... with everything. That's what I need to change.

I have found a carbonated water I love, it's called LaCroix. It's really just club soda. I replace the diet coke with that. I have a problem with drinking plain water, seems I need something carbonated for my tummy & I feel like that is better than drinking diet coke! When I go out to eat though I want my diet coke, I don't do well with plain water. Carbonation seems to help me digest my food.

I exercised again today & ate well so far. Yesterday I blew it though, I cooked some pasta (another big addiction, probably because of the flour), cooled it, threw some mayo on it & ate too much of it.

You're right, not having the junk food in the house is part of the battle. Unfortunately I live with 2 skinny minis (my mother & grandaughter) who can eat whatever they want & stay thin -- & neither has a food addiction either. So they keep food in the house that I should not have but do!

But for me again the overeating is there no matter if the food is good for me or not! I need to control myself. It's difficult but not impossible.

Putting a bathing suit on today helped my motivation for sure!!! Yikes!

Wanted to add we don't really eat out alot. We'll get fast food such as KFC or McDonalds maybe once a week if that. Eating out at a restaurant, probably every 2 weeks. I know that when I do eat out I eat alot more & their portions are ENORMOUS. Everything tastes so good because it has so much butter, salt, etc. in it. Not good.

This post has been edited by lightacandle on June 12, 2008, 1:05 PM

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

I am a recovering codependent, and mother of a recently relapsed drug and alcohol addicted (20 year addiction) adult daughter.

Thinking we are in control of anything or anyone else but ourselves is an illusion. And actually we have very little control over what happens to us as well. What will happen will happen. So let go & let God. This is my path to serenity. What happens if we just let go of what we "think" we are controlling? The world keeps on turning and life goes on. I trust that the Lord Jesus will bring me through what He brings me to.

Take what you need & leave the rest.

I sometimes have bad days. That's ok, I used to have bad years.

The Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Jesus loves us.

distressed wife

Posted: June 12, 2008, 3:59 PM
I come from fat genes... Both of my parents and even on both sides are on the short side and then weight has always been an issue. My first husband could eat like no tommorrow and never gain an ounce and my older son is just like him. Now my other two kids(grown) but they are like my family- weight is always going to be an issue.
I can go all day without being hungry or even eating and be fine and actually not overeat at dinner time then, but on days when I am stressed watch out because all I do is eat!!
I guess if you were going to eat in large qtys it is better to do it with veggies or fruit?
Good for you for excercising!!I do chores and am always walking to do things around the farm but not enough to count as exercise. Then when I get home in the evening I am too tired to walk or maybe just lazy.
I was curious to hear what mnm had to say on food addiction, I can't imagine her overeating but then maybe with all the good food she cooks,. I can only imagine. I tell my husband all the time it is cheaper and healthier for us to buy groceries and eat at home, but then that is if he doesn't go with me to the grocery. He thinks cashews are good for you, now mind you he will eat a 8oz can in an evening, he is a walking death wish.
Well I went to subway and got lunch, and I was bad I ate a cookie, I am hungry for something sweet and find many times if I just eat it and be done with it I will eat less than if I keep avoiding it and eat everything in site!! Well back to work, plus I need to start chores, it is soooo hot, 94- and humid!!! That pool sure sounds nice, and guess what we don't have ac in our barn office, no windows for a breeze- a hot box!!! sweat that weight off, see ya, sherri

Posts: 8683
Joined: April 24, 2007

Posted: June 12, 2008, 7:06 PM
In many ways I feel like an addict...set my resolve, tell myself it will be different, feel guilty and weak when I don't follow through, and beat myself up over failure to get back in shape. For me...not a stress eater, just a food lover. I, too, come from fat genes. My father tipped'em at 330 when he was at his largest and my mom has always been the round little Greek lady. Both of my parents are compulsive food mom talks about food, obsesses about it, from the time she gets up until she goes to bed. Way too many of our conversations are about food and my siblings and I have always fought weight issues.

One of my sisters has what I consider to be a borderline eating disorder...takes huge amounts of food then picks at it, keeps nothing in her fridge, lives on caffeine so much so that her hands tremble all the time. Another sister is getting bigger every day after having spent a bundle on lipo - so her belly remains flat, but is she is growing in width - it's weird, but she has what we call in my family 'magical eyeballs' and never sees herself as overweight. My third ister watches her food intake like a hawk and it pays off big time - gorgeous figure, well-toned - she exercise daily and eats very carefully. I am a size 12, not hugely overweight, but uncomfortable because I am not at my fighting weight - I like to be athletic and a few extra pounds make it that much harder. I was never in such good shape as when I was cooking professionally - you are around food so much that tasting is all you do...the smells, the handling of food, none of it got out of control when I was around it all day. I do love food, too. Our home is known among friends and family as the place you want to be invited to dinner, and have cooked and planned events with a number of well-known chefs, so there's self-imposed pressure to always be upping the dining ante.

Now I feel like I have no motivation...been swearing to do something about getting in shape, reducing caloric intake, dining healthier, for months...and still nothing. Every day I resolve that this is the day and then....pfffffft. Because I have Graves disease I had my thyroid killed off with radioactive iodine in 2003 - since then it's a constant struggle to regulate my thyroxine levels, my uptake changes all the time. My metabolism used to be in overdrive and my resting heartrate was 130 - dangerous...too dangerous, but the flip side sucks, too. I still don't sleep much (though I'd certainly like to) and that's a huge contributing factor to inability to keep weight off. My friends have all started to put on best friend has suddenly ballooned - and they keep saying it's hormones, we're 50, blah, blah, blah. I don't buy it. I think we are all responsible for our own bodies, what we put into them, and how we use them, so it's on me to do something about my own discomfort.

Some thinking needs to be changed to live, or live to eat...

On a positive note, even though I am currently less than happy with my body, my husband paid me the best compliment of our 25 year marriage when he told me not long ago that he loves my body because it feels like home to him. What a guy.

Peace ladies~M&M

This post has been edited by MomNMore on June 12, 2008, 7:13 PM

You will not change what you are willing to tolerate.

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distressed wife

Posted: June 13, 2008, 8:45 AM
I am probably 25 pounds overweight according to charts but if I lose between 10-15 I feel and look good- I am a size 10 not but like to be a 8- I have a sister who is 35- she is a size 1- she works outside alot so she has a nice figure with nice muscle but she eats horrible- I have another sister who is going to be 41- she has always been on the heavier side. Built different, never had a stomach, but bigger legs and hips- she went thru a divorce two years ago and within a month was down around 90 pounds- She since has found a new male friend, seems happy and is a little heavier but looks great- and I think she eats normal- Then there is me- I have spent my whole life on a diet- I will lose weight but it never stays off- back in 01 I started selling cars- within a couple months I had lost alot of weight, pre my husband now, I felt great, but I was walking a ton and worked alot of hours, that stayed off for a couple years. In that time I married my husband, moved out to our farm to sell cars and set on my duff most of the time.
I eat out of boredom and of course stress. Even though I am busy it isn't the challenge busy that I guess I need to get my mind off of everything else. But then if I say I am going to start something that takes alot of motivation and thinking I find myself feeling like I am over my head- I lack concentration right now, I guess to many other things on my mind.
funny I have been seriously considering going out and getting a job at a dealership selling cars, but you know I hate the cut throat attitude of alot of car salespeople- It was a relief to not worry about that for so long I am not sure I have the patience to deal with it-
MNM- Every Sunday I make myself a deal starting on Monday I am on a diet, sensible, eating and exercise, guess I get energized while setting in church- Monday rolls around and I have a million excuses why I can't exercise and why I need that cookie etc-
I just read lastnight in the paper that it is easier to lose weight if you have a partner to do it with and better to pick one that is thinner and already lost their weight- says someone struggling with weight loss will not be encouraging enough to keep going and easier to keep finding shortcuts for the two of you as someone that has already fought the battle will be nothing but encouraging.
I don't buy into the 40's and 50 thing- look around you there are plenty of thin or healthy athletic women in there 40-50's.
The key is a lifestyle change, not the word diet but a new way of life- eating right, daily exercise- I keep telling myself this is the perfect time, summer good fruits and vegetables, nice weather to be outside for physical work, so what am I waiting for?
Well better go do chores, have a great day, eat healthy-

Posts: 1901
Joined: December 25, 2007

Posted: June 13, 2008, 8:59 AM
Thanks for sharing M&M.

For me, I am tall, 5'8", I was 130 lbs most of my life. A good weight for me. But I grew up with a mother who was obsessed with weight. She would never tell me I looked ok. My father too. I can remember when I was about 12 I weighed 90 lbs. My parents took my friend & I to see President Johnson and my dad held us up to see, one at a time. He told me I was so much fatter than my friend (she weighed 75 lbs & was shorter than I was). That's the kind of stuff I grew up with.

In my family it was always an unspoken contest of who was thinner & had lost the most weight -- between my mother, sister, and sister-in-law. Everything was always about "oh you've lost weight" or "oh you've gained weight" "oh she got fat". I can only cringe to think what they say about me now having gained so much weight.

My mother now is 88 & looks like a concentration camp survivor. She has a will of iron. We can hear her stomach growling across the room & we tell her Mom you need to eat, you're hungry. She says no that's not hunger, my stomach just makes noises! She will eat a package of frozen spinach & that's it for the day for her. In some way I envy her control. But then I know she is basically anorexic -- she looks in the mirror & sees a fat woman.

I know I've gained so much weight in the last 5 years (started living with my mother & grandaughter! -- hmmmm could that have had anything to do with it??? OH YES). But they didn't put the food in my mouth, I DID. I think I am a bit in denial though. I look in the mirror & think, well I look ok. Then I see a picture of myself & HOLY COW, literally.

I've also stopped working full time, that never helps.

I just want to be healthy. I wish in my fantasies for a body that is very slim & that has incredible muscle tone & to a certain extent I had that before, in my 30's. I worked out with weights all the time. But let's be real, I don't think I'll ever get back to that.

I refuse to DIET, I have to find a way to eat what I like but control my portions.

Day by day, we can do it girls!

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

I am a recovering codependent, and mother of a recently relapsed drug and alcohol addicted (20 year addiction) adult daughter.

Thinking we are in control of anything or anyone else but ourselves is an illusion. And actually we have very little control over what happens to us as well. What will happen will happen. So let go & let God. This is my path to serenity. What happens if we just let go of what we "think" we are controlling? The world keeps on turning and life goes on. I trust that the Lord Jesus will bring me through what He brings me to.

Take what you need & leave the rest.

I sometimes have bad days. That's ok, I used to have bad years.

The Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Jesus loves us.


Posts: 584
Joined: February 15, 2007

Posted: June 13, 2008, 9:08 AM
If only I could be 5'6 instead of 5 foot, I probably wouldn't need to lose weight!!! Ones as impossible as the other- Maybe not!!!!
LAC- Congratulations on excercising twice yesturday, has to make you feel better at the end of the day? Keep up the good work.
distressed wife

Posted: June 13, 2008, 2:33 PM
Well be glad we are not in Japan, they have set a waist measurement limit and measured 56 million people to see where they fell into. I didnt' read to see what the punishement was if over that set amount, Yicks!!!
I went to get my blood pressure medicine filled today, bought fresh grapes and a lean cuisine dinner to bring back for lunch- guess I did good so far today-
Thank God for the good ole USA !!!

Posts: 1901
Joined: December 25, 2007

Posted: June 14, 2008, 8:38 AM
You did great Sherri. One day at a time.

I didn't know they did that in Japan. Geez.

Unfortunately I did not exercise yesterday & I had 1 fast food meal at lunch, not too bad, but that's all I ate yesterday -- and I was hungry last night & so tempted to snack but I said no to myself & refused to eat anything else. So in that way I think I did good yesterday. My goal is to not eat anything after 6 pm and try to have the majority of my food before 3 pm.

Adding to this post at 5:30 pm - well I found 3 cookies in the back of the freezer of all places - ate them. I'm glad there were only 3. Other than that I've done pretty well today, haven't exercised though, spent all day working on my websites...

Didn't eat anything after 6 pm today so goal accomplished there.

This post has been edited by lightacandle on June 15, 2008, 10:40 AM

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

I am a recovering codependent, and mother of a recently relapsed drug and alcohol addicted (20 year addiction) adult daughter.

Thinking we are in control of anything or anyone else but ourselves is an illusion. And actually we have very little control over what happens to us as well. What will happen will happen. So let go & let God. This is my path to serenity. What happens if we just let go of what we "think" we are controlling? The world keeps on turning and life goes on. I trust that the Lord Jesus will bring me through what He brings me to.

Take what you need & leave the rest.

I sometimes have bad days. That's ok, I used to have bad years.

The Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Jesus loves us.


Posts: 1901
Joined: December 25, 2007

Posted: June 15, 2008, 10:41 AM
Going to do my exercise right now! Wooo Hooo A Jane Fonda low impact aerobics tape from the 80's!!!!! But it's a good one.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

I am a recovering codependent, and mother of a recently relapsed drug and alcohol addicted (20 year addiction) adult daughter.

Thinking we are in control of anything or anyone else but ourselves is an illusion. And actually we have very little control over what happens to us as well. What will happen will happen. So let go & let God. This is my path to serenity. What happens if we just let go of what we "think" we are controlling? The world keeps on turning and life goes on. I trust that the Lord Jesus will bring me through what He brings me to.

Take what you need & leave the rest.

I sometimes have bad days. That's ok, I used to have bad years.

The Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Jesus loves us.


Posts: 1901
Joined: December 25, 2007

Posted: June 16, 2008, 2:00 PM
I guess it's silly to keep posting daily updates but I think it helps me, so I'll continue it even if just for myself!

I exercised yesterday & again today! Wooo Hooo I feel so much better just disciplining myself.

I have also met my goals of eating well & not eating after 6pm the past 2 days.



For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

I am a recovering codependent, and mother of a recently relapsed drug and alcohol addicted (20 year addiction) adult daughter.

Thinking we are in control of anything or anyone else but ourselves is an illusion. And actually we have very little control over what happens to us as well. What will happen will happen. So let go & let God. This is my path to serenity. What happens if we just let go of what we "think" we are controlling? The world keeps on turning and life goes on. I trust that the Lord Jesus will bring me through what He brings me to.

Take what you need & leave the rest.

I sometimes have bad days. That's ok, I used to have bad years.

The Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Jesus loves us.


Posts: 584
Joined: February 15, 2007

Posted: June 17, 2008, 3:41 PM
Good job, Exercise- boy I hate it!!! I have done well since Sunday, actually not even bad on Saturday, am back to following ww- I did catch myself thinking about you lastnight... I bought these steamer veggies, do you know what I am talking about? throw them in the micro for 5 minutes and they are wonderful. I ate a chicken breast and 3/4 of a bag of mixed veggies, I thought what a pig eating all of that but hey veggies are free, no butter on them just salt and pepper- had a 6 pts dinner- I need to go and get the ww ice cream bars- those are two pts and have ice cream(kindof) and chocolate so that helps my sweet tooth-
I am mad at my husband so I am not cooking and know he won't ask me to if he sees what I am eating, he wouldn't touch anything healthy in a million years!!! Guess i need to stay mad at him.
I am off to do chores, my exercise- yeah it takes about 20 minutes since it is summer and everything is outside!!! Have a nice healthy evening...Sherri

Posts: 1901
Joined: December 25, 2007

Posted: June 18, 2008, 5:04 PM
Hi Sherri,
Good for you! Yes, those steamed veggies are what I love too, they are great. You can buy Pam spray or I use Canola oil spray (no calories either) & I use salt substitute to cut down on salt. I just ate 3/4 of a bag of mixed veggies. I looked at the calorie count & it is very low & of course NO fat.

So you can eat all the veggies you want with WW??? As long as you don't put butter & salt on them. Tell me more!

I have actually lost about 10 lbs (bloat mostly) but I know it will be slow going for the rest of it. I didn't exercise yesterday or today -- I will try to do it 3 times each week though. I've been eating pretty well.

I am going to stay well stocked with those steamed veggies so that when I have a day like today when I am stressed I won't reach for something worse for me, I'll have that as a backup.

This post has been edited by lightacandle on June 18, 2008, 5:14 PM

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

I am a recovering codependent, and mother of a recently relapsed drug and alcohol addicted (20 year addiction) adult daughter.

Thinking we are in control of anything or anyone else but ourselves is an illusion. And actually we have very little control over what happens to us as well. What will happen will happen. So let go & let God. This is my path to serenity. What happens if we just let go of what we "think" we are controlling? The world keeps on turning and life goes on. I trust that the Lord Jesus will bring me through what He brings me to.

Take what you need & leave the rest.

I sometimes have bad days. That's ok, I used to have bad years.

The Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Jesus loves us.


Posts: 1901
Joined: December 25, 2007

Posted: June 20, 2008, 6:32 PM
How's it going Sherri & Mom N More?

I've done pretty well the past few days. Exercising & eating right. Today I overate just a little but not as much as usual -- & it wasn't forbidden food -- it was a stress situation, I had to have my cat put to sleep today. So sad. But kinda a relief because she's been sick for a year & it's been really exhausting taking care of her. I'm glad she is not sick anymore & is enjoying the Rainbow Bridge!

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

I am a recovering codependent, and mother of a recently relapsed drug and alcohol addicted (20 year addiction) adult daughter.

Thinking we are in control of anything or anyone else but ourselves is an illusion. And actually we have very little control over what happens to us as well. What will happen will happen. So let go & let God. This is my path to serenity. What happens if we just let go of what we "think" we are controlling? The world keeps on turning and life goes on. I trust that the Lord Jesus will bring me through what He brings me to.

Take what you need & leave the rest.

I sometimes have bad days. That's ok, I used to have bad years.

The Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Jesus loves us.


Posts: 8683
Joined: April 24, 2007

Posted: June 20, 2008, 7:14 PM
Not even on my radar this week...sad but true. School ends Monday and I am moving to a new building for the fourth time in four years and have thus far packed 70+ boxes and labeled all my furniture. It's been nothing but grab-and-go all week as I've worked every day at least 12 hours (4 of which I'll not be paid for). I'm targeting next week as a new beginning and have a grocery and supplement list to back me up.


You will not change what you are willing to tolerate.

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