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Anyone Addicted To Food

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Joined: September 8, 2005

Posted: September 11, 2005, 4:09 PM
Is anyone addicted to food here?


"The day I handed my life over to the lord is the day I took my life out of the hands of an idiot." As heard in an AA Meeting.

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Posted: September 11, 2005, 4:32 PM
not me,but do you know there is an overeaters anonymous?

A Buddhist Lama once said to me, "Do the opposite of whatever I tell you."
So I didn't.

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Posted: September 16, 2005, 2:57 PM
Hi Jacque... did u get your email?

Yes, I admit i am addicted to thinking about food all the time. I hate it. I will go a few days with eating like a bird and then go binge on pizza. Last friday I ate a half of a large pizza by myself... then i started on my husbands side (he eats hb meat and i like cheddar bacon).

I have considers going to an overeaters meeting... i used to go when i was in rehab for my eating disorder... they use the 12 steps too and it was nice to have people who understood what we were going thru.

Bri :)

"Broken bones can heal, but the wound a word opens can fester forever"
-Jessamyn West

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."


Posted: September 17, 2005, 4:15 PM
I actually have 3 addictions and one of them is food. I am trying to break the hold that all 3 of my addictions have on me. It is very hard because for the first time I don't have an escape for my problems and I have to deal with them. I cry everyday because the pain is so bad. But I want to be healthy in order to be here for my kids. Let me know how you are dealing with your addication, I could really use some good advice!

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Posted: September 18, 2005, 6:26 PM
Briana I have been fighting addiction all my life. Food? is the toughest.

Here is whow I lost 21 pouunds so far

Must drink 64+ouunces of water or MORE

No Coffee--soda

6 small meals 3 small snacks. Eat until your not hungry anymore. You will develop your own portions by trial and error.

Most important meal--Breafkast--High fiber cereal--fruit-- multi vitamin and 2 oscals for calcium-Yogurt is good to with the fruit.

NO WHITES-potato bread etc--whole wheat only

Fish veggies----no red meat - No refined sugars


cheat once a week. Ice cream for is my love.

Lots of sex--LOL--hey burns calories and well? Fun

Hope this helps

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Posted: September 24, 2005, 8:09 PM
OMG I love food. I've been eating like crazy for the last few weeks and I'm gaining weight.

I haven't been on my Wellbutrin for a few weeks which is stupid of me to begin with but I have gained five pounds since going off of it. I've also had a huge increase in my appetite.

So tomorrow I'm going to Wal Mart to get my Wellbutrin refilled.

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My disease is an elephant. As long as I remember it's there, I won't get stepped on.

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Mr nasty

Posted: November 5, 2005, 5:33 PM
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This post has been edited by moderator on November 6, 2005, 8:47 AM

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Posted: November 5, 2005, 5:35 PM

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Posted: November 5, 2005, 6:59 PM
no doubt Mr Nasty is suffering from severe self-loathing...

and split personality...geez, started out vicious then ended up like a lamb...

maybe some Anti Depressants are called for?

This post has been edited by bumpsnomore on November 5, 2005, 7:01 PM

Somedays it's just not worth chewing through the restraints.

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Posted: November 5, 2005, 8:50 PM
I've met lots of people like you in my time Mr Nasty.
Give it a few years and it will all come falling down on your waistline, then you can remember all the horrible things you have said about others.
I am sending you the fat, fat, fat gene as I type.


Posted: November 14, 2005, 2:56 PM
Yes, I am def. a compulsive eater. This is MY addiction, while my husband's is alcohol and crack. I would love to get a board going for my addiction. I went to MSN but it is not active at all.

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Joined: December 14, 2005

Posted: December 17, 2005, 6:04 AM
I too have a problem with food I feel the need for it to comfort me.More so when I am confused and down about stuff in my life.
I notice if I don't eat I suffer withdrawal.Ever crave McDonalds?I have makes me wonder if rumors are true that a lot of our foods today have additives that actually cause us to crave food more.....
I have a sweet tooth I must say especially during the Holidays.
I keep telling myself I need to stop but it isn't happening.My cravings for food when I try to cut my calorie intake makes me feel and cranky I get real moody.
I also notice if I don't get enough sugar in me I feel light headed and experience nausea symptoms.
I guess for once in my life I am admitting I am addicted to too much food that isn't good for me.I need to change this or I am going to get as big as a house and if that would happen I wouldn't want to even go out of my house.
I am 325 pounds now and I told myself I would never go this high but I have I have let myself down feeling guilty and don't like what I see and think others see me the same.Physically I have more back pain and foot pain when I have to stand too long.
As far as men there is the pressure to be thin look good and when I get turned down by guys I feel it is my weight and that they would be embarassed of me.
I have even cut myself down in front of others in a joking way to ease the pain I really feel deep inside.
Now I know why I draw people who are addicts because I am one too.Just a different form of an addict.
I think this is where I also crave to be loved and by loving too much giving of myself being needy I lose myself in the other person to forget myself.
But I am always bothered by negative thoughts.I am on medication Zoloft for depression and anxiety attacks.Dealing with other people is difficult because I read into who they are before I get to know them.
I experience jealousy and anger and if I was to have a relationship with a man I would become impossible to be around because I am so negative about stuff.
Let's say I am in a relationship I get bent out of shape when he does something I expected he should have done or reacted and if he doesn't it is because I did something or thinking he's not that into me.
So yes food is a big problem that has led to the other problems I mentioned.
I know I need to help myself when? That is the question.....

Posted: December 21, 2005, 12:00 AM
I just wanted to know I read your post and so appreciate you honesty and candidness. I posted above you about a month ago. Too bad we can't get an active board going for this. I often tell my addict husband that I can relate to him in a way because of my addiction to food. Perhaps we can get this thing going. Or, if you know of a more active board, let me know here so I can join too.

Good luck and God bless.

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Posted: December 29, 2005, 7:29 PM
hey ladies just wanted to say hello and i am also interested in this subject. i usually post on the mj board, i have had weight issues most of my life, yoyo most of the time. since i quit smoking almost 9 months ago i have gained 30 more pounds on top of my already over weight 62 inch body. i have asthma and maryjane was killing me along with steroids adding to the weight problem, i am now 235.
on jan. 9th i am scheduled for gastric bypass. i know it is the only thing for me to do at this point, but i struggle with the thoughts of the inner issues that will still be there. i guess it is exactly like an alcholic on antabuse. if i eat too much now i will be violently ill. i have to exercise and care about myself or suffer the consequences and i am on the right track because i am working to stay clean from pot. now this hurdle. and it is a hurdle.
lets keep this going and maybe offer support to one another, i know this is only the first step for me.

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Posted: January 1, 2006, 7:27 PM
Hi... i am back again. I stopped working out a couple months ago because every time i get on the treadmill the bones in my feet hurt really bad.... it never hurt until i put on about 30 pounds during my pill addiction. I did really good working out for about 6 months after i got out of rehab... but i think i still ate too much and the exercise was probably cancelled out with the fast food and junk food i was eating. So, then i gave up on working out and now i am trying to get back in the groove of things. Obesity runs in my family... i do not consider myself obese but definitely overweight. I am 5'2 and weigh 145... this is overweight because of my height. At the rate i am going... i will be obese if i don't get a hold of myself. It is in my genes. All of my family has diabetes and hypertension. I already have hypertension... and i am just 25. I have to find a way to fight the food cravings... i just am having a hard time. Like right now... i am doing okay with the exercise... i just got on the treadmill for an hour... but now i am starving... for something sweet or salty. I know there are no diet pills out there that are a magic cure.... i know it is going to take self discipline. I think food addiction is one of the hardest addiction's because it's all around us. This is really affecting my ability to show affection around my husband... i can completely relate to Solace... i am a very jealous person... i see skinny girls and i want to be skinny like them. It really is affecting our relationship... i am not happy with who i am. I wish there was a forum for food addiction too... i have looked on the internet also... but none of them are active. It would be great if we could all work together and keep this thread going... we need a food addiction thread. On the pain pills forum there is an exercise thread started by Kim... i am going to try and stick to my new year's resolution and workout faithfully... but the hard part for me is the binge eating. Yes... i am a binge eater.... sometimes i purge... not too often though... but i know where this frame of mind leads.... i have already been to rehab for eating disorders... i think this is why this is so hard for me because i have never been able to not lose the weight until now... and the scale just keeps getting higher and higher... i dont want to have to deal with what my mom has to deal with... i see how unhappy she is. It hurts. Thanks for letting me share. Love, Briana

"Broken bones can heal, but the wound a word opens can fester forever"
-Jessamyn West

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Posted: January 1, 2006, 8:10 PM
bri, you are at least looking at it early on. I cant tell you how many activities i avoid due to my weight. i am a active person and successful in my career, but imagine the possibilities if i werent so insecure with my weight. I do have some health problems but not near as bad as they should be and i carry the weight well if you can believe that. After i stopped smoking MJ i craved sweets so bad. Food is everywhere and so accessible. I guess my surgery is what will block the ability to get it. But I know the driving force will still be there. i guess, i will keep you posted. not that it makes you feel any better, but i would love to be 145. lol. i know if that is heavy for you, then you feel awful. to me that is small. take care.

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Posted: January 1, 2006, 8:25 PM
Thanks Jamv... it is really good to be able to talk about it with you though... i really haven't just come right out and said that to anyone until now... i think you will do wonderful with the surgery. There was a girl on the PP forum that had a bypass done and she has done really really well. I wish my mom could do that too... she smokes and drinks and it really worries me. I guess all of my weight issues really do stem from seeing my mom struggle so much. I look back at some of her younger pics when she was my age and she looks fit and healthy... she was never really really skinny but she maintained her weight and then i guess around 30 or so she started not being able to maintain and really let herself go... and i hate to admit it... but i am scared that i will end up like her. Love, Bri :)

"Broken bones can heal, but the wound a word opens can fester forever"
-Jessamyn West

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

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Posted: January 1, 2006, 8:43 PM
is your mom still overweight? does it bother her? how bad is it? after i quit smoking i got really obsessed about things and started taking laxatives, that was no way to live, i did maintain my weight for awhile and when i didnt take the laxatives would gain quickly, that is when i started looking into the surgery. i also realized, hey this isnt really the best way to be handling things??hum??lol. being on the borderline at the time i did have to put on an extra few pounds for insurance to cover it which is ridiculous, but necessary without lots of denials. i know a lot of the reasons my esteem is so low, i dont eat compulsively, or binge, but i love certain foods, that are bad for me, in addition the amount of steroids i have to take with asthma, that always puts at least 10lbs a round on me. i have had pnuemonia 3 years in a row, hospitalized once with IV steroids for a week, that was 17 lbs. the last round of pnuemonia and firing up my last joint i realized maybe i was addicted to pot and should think about quitting, by this point the damage has been done, to my lungs, hence steroids, weight, then quitting and craving sweets, and not stopping myself. I am looking forward to a new healthier way of life. i got excited when i found out i could eat oatmeal after surgery, now how many people get excited about that. now normally plain oatmeal would not assist in weight loss for me, it would be a carb that went no where. with this surgery i will use the nutrients i need and get rid of the rest, fruit the same way. so i think i am looking at it in the right way, after it is done there is no turning back, so yeehaw, hhaahaa. and it is so not about looks anymore, of course i want new clothes and to look good in them, i just want to jump on the trampoline with my kids and be able to breath and not need those crazy steroids. tell me more about your mom.

Posted: January 4, 2006, 11:51 PM
hello all,

glad to see this thread is still going! I started WW today (again!) and exercised today for the first time in ages. I find myself constantly relating to my husband's addiction to alcohol and crack, because with food, I am the same way. Maybe you guys can keep me motivated this time. I am usually gung ho for a while and then I just give up. Take care.

Posted: March 26, 2006, 1:22 PM
My appetite is my sherpard, I shall not want.
It maketh me to sit down & stuff myself.
It leadeth me to my refrigerator repeatedly.
It leadeth me in the path of Burger King for a Whopper.
It destroyeth my shape.
Yea,though I knoweth I gaineth, I will not stop eating
for the food tasteth so good.
The ice cream & cookies, they comfort me.
When the table is spread before, it exciteth me,
for I knoweth that soon I shall dig in.
As I filleth my plate continuously,my clothes runneth smaller.
Surely, bulges & excess weight shall follow me all the days of my life
and I will be fat forever.
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