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Suboxone Wearing Off?

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Joined: June 20, 2012

Posted: June 20, 2012, 6:37 PM
Hi, I've been on suboxone for 3 months now. (8mgs twice a day) and I haven't wanted to use oxy at all until the last few weeks and I was wondering if i should ask my Dr. to up the dosage or is this a good time to start tapering off? just confused and alone and craving a lot

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Posted: June 20, 2012, 7:37 PM
Wearing off Sub? What do you do each day besides using suboxone--Have you been to rehab? AA --do you work ? school? Homemaker?

A little history? I can write very boring book about my history--How old are you?

Up your dosage? Call your doctor wean? you should be on a lower dose-- Not higher--Did you do any education about sub?

Google Samsha and get a good pain addiction doctor

Hang in there


This post has been edited by Suboxman on June 20, 2012, 7:39 PM

It is Just Not worth it.

"Inside every older person is a younger person
wondering what the puck happened."

One Day At A Time

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Joined: June 20, 2012

Posted: June 21, 2012, 8:42 AM
No, i did no research on suboxone whatsoever in fact i had never even heard of it. Here's some background. I got addicted to oxys and hydros about 3 years ago. My main source was also a co worker I'll call "Sue" , When Sue decided to move away to another state i knew i was in trouble because i wouln't be able to score so easily.I guess instead of ever hitting rock bottom i just decided to get off those darn pills before they got too hard to obtain.The only medication i was aware off that would help was methdone. I work (50+hours weekly) and have good health insurance, so i googled a addiction dr in my area and made an appt. I went and asked for methadone and he put me on this instead. I am 46 years old and i havent been to any meetings or to a rehab. Thanks

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Posted: June 21, 2012, 11:01 AM
Thats kinda sad and yet pretty funny as well-

Good Luck to you

It is Just Not worth it.

"Inside every older person is a younger person
wondering what the puck happened."

One Day At A Time

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Posted: June 22, 2012, 5:30 AM
im glad my situation can make someone laugh, because it sucks for me.

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Posted: June 22, 2012, 11:01 AM
Why is that funny Jeff? Geesh.

Dicespin...You probably don't need more sub, you need more education. Sub by itself, is not a magic cure. It's a tool. One of many that you need to get your life back. Talk to your dr, be honest about how you're feeling. I would also suggest that you go to an NA meeting in your area. They are free and NA has meetings every day at all times of the day. Make it a priority..your recovery is now...

Welcome to the board and keep posting, it helps.

This post has been edited by cowgirl on June 22, 2012, 11:01 AM

I used Drugs to forget, I got clean to remember.

Posts: 6
Joined: June 20, 2012

Posted: June 22, 2012, 4:45 PM
Thanks for the welcome cowgirl. i've been reading a lot of posts on here and i can see that you"re right, i'm going to have to put some more effort (a lot more) than just taking suboxone and pretend that i'm all better. i know it's probably going to sound like an excuse or denial but i really really really dont like speaking to people about my problems and that is why i haven;t pursued a NA meeting. its much easier to talk on a place such as this, but i guess its time for meto man up and deal with this. i'll post again when i've gone to my first meeting. thx

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Posted: June 22, 2012, 9:00 PM


It is Just Not worth it.

"Inside every older person is a younger person
wondering what the puck happened."

One Day At A Time

Posts: 6
Joined: June 20, 2012

Posted: June 25, 2012, 8:19 AM
still haven't gathered the courage to go to a meeting..i dont know why i cant bring myself to go. I haven't used but the cravings are strong. I quit smoking cigarettes about 6 weeks ago, maybe the cravings are for tobacco..i dunno.. i'm fighting them.. one hour at a time..

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Posted: June 27, 2012, 12:50 PM
Hey Dice..have you been over to the Pain pill board on this site? Read some stories over there..good place to ask questions about cravings and how to get help too..more people respond there too.

Going to a first meeting is so scary. I know how that feels. But fear is what keeps us sick, stuck. What about a counselor? It's not in our nature to ask for help. We think we've got it all figured out when in reality, we don't. I had to go, kicking and screaming but after the first 5 minutes, I was so relieved.

It can't hurt to just walk in, sit down and listen. No one says you have to talk..not yet.

Hang in there buddy.

I used Drugs to forget, I got clean to remember.

Posts: 6
Joined: June 20, 2012

Posted: June 27, 2012, 5:18 PM
thanks for the advice cowgirl, i haven't used but its on my mind.. a lot..will head over to the pain pill board and do some reading, that might help.

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Posted: June 29, 2012, 12:33 PM
How are you doing Dice?

I used Drugs to forget, I got clean to remember.

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Posted: July 2, 2012, 11:43 PM
My experience with suboxone is that it should only be used for short durations, in as small of dose as possible. Suboxone used to come off opiates usually goes 8mg - 6mg -4mg - 2mg over 4 days but I still have symtoms when I come off the suboxone. The most sucessful detox I've had was 6mg- 4mg- 2mg- 2mg. Just enough to keep you comfortable from withdrawaIs, not get you high. I suggest a rehab center cause you are not 'cured' when you get off. Addiction is a complicated disease. We need to arm ourselves with the facts, and be willing to tolerate whatever we must go through. We tolerated a lot of physical, mental and emotional pain in addiction. Quiting, after the initial withdrawals involves uncomfortability and you gotta have the willingness to tolerate that and be willing to change. Sacred Heart Rehab in Memphis, Mi. is the best I've experienced myself, being no stranger to rehabs. I strongly recomend them and wish you Gods grace in your journey. With Love, brothers and sisters.

Posted: July 7, 2012, 12:17 AM
Hey, I've been o n subutex for over 7 years and yes I'm screwed or at least I feel as though I am! I stopped once for 2 months and the Wd's got worse with everyday that went by and after 2 months I got back on. That was 2 years ago. I have to do this again and make it this time. Last time I tapered for 9 months from 24mg/day down to .5 mgs/day and then i quit but I think I beat my body up so long tapering that when it was time for the real battle, I was already beat up to bad for the fight so this time, I'm on 8mg/day and I'm going to try to go down fast, I was told by my pharmacist a while back that your brain chemistry resets itself every 2 weeks so I thought I would cut 2mgs every 2 weeks until I get to 2 then I'll go to 1 for 2 weeks then quit! I have 2 kids, one is 17 and one is 8 and a great wife so it's hard especially when I can just take my pill and feel normal except I now have low testosterone so I take a shot for that caused by this and I now have sleep apnea and wear a cpap caused by this so please people, there are problems with this drug long term, I'm a guinie pig to my doc, u see I started 1 year after it became legal here and no one knew much about it and now my doc uses me as his test subject. I've been doing LENS with him for 6 months, look it up, it corrects your brain functions for anxiety, ADHD , ADD, and lots more things. It really helps you focus so I hope I'm prepared is time. I'm not telling him, it has to be on my terms this time, not his. I have to have the meds handy in case I have a project come up, I'm a general contractor and run my own large business so this sucks but oh we'll. I will try and post back and maybe create a thread about this. I could write a book on this s***, promise,

Posted: September 28, 2015, 11:58 PM
Hello. I am new here and was searching some info. I was an opiate addict for 1st years. Heroin (iv) for 8 years. I've been to 9 rehab facilities and I've been to prison for over 4 years. I have 3 children that I lost due to my addiction. I lost everything that ever came between my and the drugs including my cheating beating ex that "loved me" my home car money jobs just everything!! Finally I had enough! I turned to a program and gave it my all!! This is key to sobriety. Trusting is hard once we have been hurt but going to get help and doing what you are told to do WORKS! It wasn't until I got out all of my hurt guilt pain shame to someone that I truly felt like I could breathe. Talking to someone about personal things is hard but if u keep secrets you'll always be sick. "Secrets keep you sick" of I can't tell anyone out there stuck in addiction that no matter what u r going thru in life "you do not have to live like this anymore" and help them thru it I would. I have been sober just over a year but since I started the Suboxone and started WORKING A PROGRAM I have gotten life back and am still climbing. I got a job. I got a house. I got custody of 2 of my children back (so far) and I got married to a wonderful man. But none of this would work out if I wasn't in a program. Suboxone is just a bandaid. Just a piece to the puzzle of recovery. It does help but shouldn't be permanent or long term. I strongly suggest finding a group, counseling, AA/NA, church. Something that WORKS for you and reach deep inside and find ways with a professional to fix YOU! Hugs and prayers to you and everyone struggeling and those also in recovery! It is going to be OK! Keep your head up and press on!

Posted: September 28, 2015, 11:59 PM
I was an opiate addict for 15 years. Darn auto correct lol

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Joined: July 27, 2015

Posted: September 29, 2015, 11:45 AM
I'm with Suboxman, what have you been doing for yourself besides Suboxone?

Remember, alcohol and drugs are but a symptom.

Our malady is physical, spiritual, emotional... If you are just treating the physical with Suboxone and doing none of the spiritual and emotional work needed to change, I'm not surprised you are experiencing cravings. The hole inside needs filling with more than just the latest medication.

Go to meetings, get a sponsor, work the steps... The same addict will eventually use again. You can become different with a 12 step program.

I forgot to mention that Suboxone is different than any opiate I was ever on. Less is more with this drug... I know that for some folks Suboxone is long term, it's not my place to judge that. I will say that there is a 'sweet spot' with Suboxone and it rests right around 4 mgs once a day. I shake my head when I hear about doctors putting patients on more than 8 mgs/day. They have taken an oath to do no harm.

This post has been edited by Persephone on September 29, 2015, 11:53 AM

" Many times I sought the lighthouse
The familiar beam in the dark
Looking for the comfort
Radiating from its spark;
Today I turn that inward
No longer am I the seeker
I am not just the lighthouse
I am the light -
And lighthouse keeper. "
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