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Release Of Information

Posts: 1
Joined: February 13, 2018

Posted: February 13, 2018, 2:22 PM
My counselor wants to contact my psychiatrist because she thinks I'm abusing the benzos he prescribes me. She obviously wants him to stop giving them to me. Does she have the authority to contact him without my permission? Also, can the clinic force me to sign a release of information form?

Posts: 243
Joined: August 18, 2016

Posted: February 20, 2018, 6:36 PM
They cannot call your psychiatrist without your written permission to release your private health information. While they can not force you to sign it, they can drop you from the methadone program for not complying with treatment recommendations.

If you are not abusing your benzo's then you shouldn't care if they speak. I get the feeling that you may have a bit of a problem with the benzo's,s just because of the fear I can actually hearing your post.

It may seem like they have no business knowing about your benzo intake, but combining methadone with benzos is very dangerous. Even those who have a high tolerance to benzos can easily overdose while mixing methadone and benzos. If you legitimately need benzos for an anxiety disorder, then a talked with your psychiatrist might be in order.

Also be aware that benzos are meant as a temporary Band-Aid for anxiety problems, they are not meant for long-term maintenance. In fact, benzos actually have a rebound effect causing more anxiety after you on them for some time. That's why most people increase their dosages immensely because the initial dosage no longer works.

Why does the clinic think you are abusing you meds?

It's going to be really hard, but I suggest being completely honest with both doctors if you're serious about getting better. Good luck and let us know how you make out!

This post has been edited by lolleedee on February 20, 2018, 6:39 PM
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