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Addiction A Disease Or Not? Opinions & Facts

Posted: July 16, 2016, 6:34 AM

(I posted this in the " Heroin" section also .. I will be tracking both)

I just want other opinions and facts . I'm a recovering addict and I've been reading posts everywhere from mostly non-addicts saying addiction is not a disease. I want to know how many think it is or is not and why? If I'm wrong believing addiction is a disease that's fine. Most doctors ... believe it is a serious disease. It's not just that a person wants to be a drug - addict or become an addict .

- For example. Here's how it was explained to me LAYMAN'S TERMS. (I'm a recovering dope addict .. I'm not a doctor). This is an example using "Dope" for the main topic.

1. As the user starts their Opiate/Dope use their normal dopamine "pouches" overflood . By adding excess dopamine to the brain... the brain feels a sense of happiness, pleasure and euphoria . After continued use (which can be as little as 2-5x over a few days) the user start needing more to "feel the high".

2. The normal/regular dopamine dose that was once given to the brain stops producing because it's compensating for the drug use.The new-found dopamine starts bonding within the users cells.

3. The users brain will start creating alot of new dopamine "pouches" (in order to hold the all of the new doses of dopamine) . Making up for the continued use. As the dopamine "pouches" grow in numbers the users brain starts to need more & more dopamine in order to fill these "pouches".

4. The brain knows something is supplying plenty of dopamine , so the brain gets lazy and stops supplying dopamine naturally. Once the user stops using Dope (within 12-24hrs after last dose) the many dopamine "pouches" that were created over prolonged use become empty. The brain then starts to feel like it's dying because the brain no longer produces dopamine naturally to fill any of these "pouches" . The brain starts to telling the user through Physical/Mental withdraw that they need the dopamine to feel better.

That is what makes a person into an addict (there are other reasons why but this is the main one) . The addicts body & brain tell the addict that they are dying and need Dope to be normal , happy, and to survive . The same as if your starving/hungry or dehydrated your brain would tell you to eat and drink by any means necessary or you will die.

** This is not an excuse to use but it's a good reason why so many addicts like myself have trouble staying clean. It's hard not to listen to your brain and body . It's hard saying "my brain is wrong and it doesn't know what I need . As for my body hurting it's just an illusion"
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