Reaching out to addicts, those that have addicted loved ones and to those in recovery ... sharing my experiences from addict to recovering addict. I have been in addicted shoes, and have loved an addict... I have enabled and learned how to use tough love. I have watched drugs steal the lives of those that I love both friends and family and that is the driving force behind me sharing my experiences in hopes to bring light to darkness and to reveal the mind of an addict, recovering addict. I love my family & friends ... EBAY! seashells by the sea shore, Love sunsets and sunrises ... beautiful scenery, outdoors, sharin' experiences of life with others. I believe whole heartedly in random acts of kindness ... and making a conscience effort to be the best person I can possibly be.
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It doesn't matter how you use it Meth can kill you.
In Memory Of William Scott Simmons Oct 22, 1957 - Oct 16, 2004 _______________________ Like build a bear then you'll love this! Click Me