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Mother Of An Addict

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Joined: January 25, 2022

Posted: January 25, 2022, 2:07 PM
I'm new - been dealing with this for many years with(adult) daughter. When sober she is caring, loving but then becomes someone I do not know - saying the most cruel ugly things. She will be fine for a while & I think oh good, she's finally come around but then it starts up again. Been to re-hab a few times.
She has alienated most of our family. I don't condone what she says but I cannot give up on my child.
I swear addiction is the devil - gets hold & will not let go. The addict suffers of course but then they bring the rest of us along w/them. Oh, & she has had some traumatic events in her life. From what I've read it's like the addict is unable to work through those tough times & turn toward substance to ease the pain.
She is talking w/a therapist but I doubt she is not telling the whole truth. The therapist says your family sounds like they are bullying you. Wow!
Can other parents let me know how you are handling this? Would appreciate any advice.

Posts: 341
Joined: December 23, 2018

Posted: January 25, 2022, 2:18 PM
I'm so sorry she is putting you & your family thru this. Remember she may not be telling YOU the entire truth of what the therapist is saying to her.

You cannot force her into therapy, rehab or aftercare. You can only control how you react to her situation & addiction. I would recommend getting therapy for yourself & that can help you respond better to her triggers. Addicts will say, do, promise, manipulate, lie, steal & cheat EVERYONE in order to manipulate others & stay the victim of their own decisions. It is a painful circle.

Good luck & get help for yourself. Getting help for yourself is not turning your back on your child

Posts: 83
Joined: January 18, 2022

Posted: January 25, 2022, 2:37 PM
personally, i suggest brutal honesty. if you know she is lying, call her on it every time. do not be afraid to pour your heart out on her and often. plus don't forget another drug is no kind of recovery. detox is. let her bum around with ya as she detox's and heals a few months most of all remember that LOVE beats addiction. however your daughter has to be ready to stop suffering, and can and will not be forced. i ahh ummm went thru a similar journey. i made it, n i am just sum guy. i have faith she will make out just fine in time.

Posts: 2
Joined: January 25, 2022

Posted: January 25, 2022, 2:55 PM
Thank you mtnmom & just sum guy for taking the time to respond. I've felt so lost & alone. As a mom you think your love is healing but that alone doesn't always work.
So glad just sum guy - that you're doing well. BTW your title is misleading, don't think your words are not inspiring or uplifting. While I certainly would never wish this on anyone it's encouraging to hear from others who are making it through this crummy journey. Words are so powerful when one feels they are drowning in this nightmare, it's like you threw me a life line.
Again, thank you both - it does a mama good to hear & God bless you both.......

Posts: 83
Joined: January 18, 2022

Posted: January 25, 2022, 3:04 PM
god bless ya both. i learned faith without religion. most learn from mans books, i learned from god. your heart felt thanks make me feel it is time for me to be learn/teaching. i love y'all. keep spreading love light and truth. big win on the way for all peoples, BIG. just no givin up. we need you all.

Posts: 341
Joined: December 23, 2018

Posted: January 26, 2022, 10:10 AM
Alexis, this is a great forum to vent. I've learned so much from the parents here. You will never be judged & what worked for me & my son, maybe not work for you & your daughter but what worked or didn't work for you & your daughter may really help someone else.

I was able to learn (even though it is NEVER easy) to step away & tell him that until he goes into rehab there is nothing I will do for him - no money, no groceries, no payments, no gas. I promised I would always be available to give him a ride.

One thing he would do after he realized I was serious was he'd call & just RAGE at us, screaming, crying, cursing, calling us everything in the book and then immediately call an inpatient (private pay) rehab center & have them call me. They'd lay on the guilt about "your son is needing, wanting & ready to get help - are you willing to help him in his journey?" It would piss me off so bad because he had just called me screaming & cursing me and knew he screwed up. I would ask them if he told them he was fired from his job & had no health insurance and did he tell you that he just cursed me out & told me what a horrible person I was? One said so you are refusing to help him? I said my son is 45 years old, I am retired and I do not have the money to throw at him. I had given him all the low cost & free community help that was available. And here is the thing I did know: If I had paid the money to get him into rehab, there is no guarantee that he will stay or stick to the program. He can leave anytime he wants.

Hang in there Alexis & come back here to read, vent & talk every single time you need to

Posts: 83
Joined: January 18, 2022

Posted: January 26, 2022, 10:33 AM
i believe he has to want to do it himself. and not get "mommy" to take care of him. poor guy has to be done suffering. hang in their mntnmom. you sound strong enuff to light your son a path untill he is ready to change is own journey. god bless you. i have a mother too, and know full well what i had put her thru. have a blessed day. i love ya.

Posts: 37
Joined: February 17, 2021

Posted: January 29, 2022, 7:07 PM
Hi Alexis I'm sorry you have a daughter with an addiction. Its very hard to cope with a child's addiction no matter how old they are. We love and care about them and often we are left feeling helpless....especially if they don't want to or can't stop or they won't get the help they need. Its very hard to live with.

My adult daughter has an addiction too and she's gone from bad to worse. I'm not trying to scare you just sharing. She is not doing well at all and I was told recently she now has poly addictions. How do I cope? I pray A LOT and try to keep tabs on her so we don't lose touch. She's homeless in quite a large city, has no phone, no ID (they keep getting stolen or she sells them IDK). She's a mess and her life is a mess. She's lost everything....she's not thinking clearly and is making poor and really dangerous choices. Has NO judgement anymore...Its horrible and sad. I HATE addiction.

Posts: 83
Joined: January 18, 2022

Posted: January 30, 2022, 3:43 AM
i hate addiction myself. that and tyrants that think they know what words belong where. i have very little tolerance for that sort of thing. leads to secrets. secrets lead to bad things, like addiction. i digress. that sounds terribly hard. i have a mother i put thru something similar. you may be up for a saint hood. lol my mother got one for not murdering me. lmao hang in there. mayhap rock bottom will snap her awake.

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Posted: January 30, 2022, 12:58 PM
As noted call her out on her lies. That's a biggie in more ways than one. As time goes on many addicts become good liars then start grifting/manipulating .Everything they say or do has a goal or plan to benefit them.

Until she actually wants to change on their own not much will change. Many say after a certain point one must detach themselves from addict and let them do what ever. Sometimes it might speed up or allow a bottom. Other times they'll just continue on.

Good Luck

Posts: 83
Joined: January 18, 2022

Posted: January 30, 2022, 1:03 PM
sure sounds to me like your trouble shootin just fine. keep at it. you'll work out what to do. just no giving up. that's what the tyrannical want. do not give it to em. i love ya stay strong. all who know what you're dealing with believe in you. and i as well.
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