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Marijuana Withdrawals?

Posted: March 18, 2021, 4:43 PM

So my current girlfriend has decided to quit pot, and has been clean for 28 days now. Initially she was okay, but the past several days has seen her experience extreme headaches, fatigue, irratibility, depression, and such.

Some background, she has been smoking daily for the past 7 years or less, smoked every day, multiple times a day, and was often high all afternoon once she stops working. She functioned just fine, but recently decided she wanted to quit in order to attain better health.

I don't know if the current spate of headaches, depression and such are normal, this far along. But she definitely has been a very regular user for a while.

We are both concerned. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Posts: 433
Joined: December 14, 2009

Posted: March 18, 2021, 9:47 PM
I would think everybody is different.

That said, marijuana was my drug of choice (crack was my drug of chaos)
I smoked copious amounts for many years, with a couple time outs for employment and/or legal reasons. I have never experienced anything like what you described, with the exception of some foul moody days, which passed quickly and easily,
Could be the weed was covering up some kind of underlying condition. Perhaps try CDB's, but definitely have her see a doctor.

Be well,

All gods send their drunks to AA

My story.. https://www.addictionrecoveryguide.o...ST&f=16&t=63644
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