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Failed To Stop Espranor, New Strategy

Posts: 2
Joined: March 17, 2020

Posted: March 17, 2020, 9:32 AM
Just joined the forum. Hi to everyone and please feel free to post your thoughts or message me.

Recently I tried to come off Espranor and Subutex (both buprenorphine). CAme off opiates many times in the past.

I went about 4 or 5 days in days bed shivering cold some days, but not too bad as far as detox goes.

After around that I had a tiny line of subutex. In bed for another 5 days. STILL felt withdrawing, was very cold, in a cold, room. Usually after 4 or 5 days with no opiates I'm clear.

In desperation, started drinking and cocaine just to pass the days and I broke and used gear. So, back on the Espranor now.

All the stuff/s*** I{ was taking took their toll on me and now I'm going to spend a month or two at least recovering and saving up.

Also, I need to get my Pregablin, Benzo and Zopiclone tolerance down, as these things really help.

What I'm going to save up for is aload of Kratom. I've used Kratom before and I find it to be good stuff. I've never used it to come off a mid/long term opiate habit though before. Not sure on dosages, but that will become apparent once I start detox.

I plan to cut down on the Espranor (when the time comes). Then see if I can move on to exclusively Kratom, stay on that for 2 or 3 weeks, then taper fast and then use pregab, benzos and zopiclone to come off that.

There are always new drugs/substances coming out, I heard about a new one, I don't remember it's name, at my local recovery group thing (CGL). Someone in the waiting room mentioned it, said it was expensive.

I think taking some shots of testosterone help during a detox. My theory is that the testosterone drops when detoxing. I think this because I have had to masterbate before on a detox

Any thoughts?

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