To Register, click the "Register" link near the top of this page. You will be asked for the following information:
Username - this is the nickname you give yourself and will be the name which appears when you post your messages.
Password - this is your password to login and use your username. If you forget your password, you can click here and it will be emailed to your email address (if you give one).
Email Address - this is optional. Your email address will not be given out to other people. The benefits of providing an email address are:
You can have your password updated if you forget it.
You can choose to have new posts emailed to you for a particular message thread.
Other members can email messages to you, though they will not see your email address unless you reply to their email.
Benefits of Registering
No one else will be able to post messages using your username.
You can edit messages after you post them.
You can be notified by email when someone responds to your messages.