To update your Profile and other account settings, you must be logged in to your account (see the "Logging in and out" help topic). Once you are logged in, you can click the "My Settings" link near the top of the page to update your profile.
Edit Profile Info This section allows you to add or edit your contact information and enter other personal information if you choose. All of this information is optional.
Edit Signature A messageboard 'signature' is very similar to an email signature. This signature is attached to the foot of every message you post unless you choose to check the box that allows you to omit the signature in the message you are posting.
Edit Avatar (image) An avatar is a little image that appears under your username when you view a topic or message you authored. You may either choose your avatar from the board gallery, enter a URL to an avatar stored on your server or upload an avatar to use.
Change Email Address At any time, you can change the email address that is registered to your account.
Change Password You may change your password from this section. Please note that you will need to know your current password before you can change your password. If you do not know your password, click here to email yourself a link to change the password (if you gave an email address when registering).
View Subsciptions This is where you manage your topic subscriptions. Please see the help file 'Email Notification of new messages' for more information on how to subscribe to topics.