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What If You Have To Do A Urine Test For Premployme

Posts: 36
Joined: August 25, 2007

Posted: September 2, 2007, 8:03 PM
I have only been on Sub just under a week and I know I have several months to go. I am taking time ( I quit my job ) to devote to my recovery and take care of myself but I will eventullly have to return to work. Most jobs require a urine drug screen, how to explain that substance in my urine is more than I can think of right now being easily overwhelmed but surely this must have been an issue for someone in the past and I would love to hear someone post some hope and reassurance for me on this board.... help please......anne

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Posted: September 2, 2007, 8:54 PM
Hi Anne,

I'm glad to hear you're doing well on the Sub. Unfortunately, I can't say for sure about the drug screening process because I'm self employed. I've never had to deal with it. I'm assuming that you'd have your doctor write a letter of explanation to the affect that you are being treated legitimately. I really couldn't tell you if you would be justifiably descriminated against for opioid use. The only logic I can come up with in favor of it is, lots of people have prescriptions written for pain meds. You've posed an interesting question though. I wonder how you'd find out what the hiring protocol would be in this instance? Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Where's Danny when you need him?!


P.S. Don't stress about this too much, Anne. You'll jeapardize your progress and this might not ever be an issue when you get ready to re-enter the work force.


Somewhere beyond myself...I wait for my arrival

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Posted: September 2, 2007, 10:09 PM
Thanks Callie, you are right. My mind is just racing ahead and I have to remember I am in early recovery again and I need to take this one day at a time. I seem to want to beat myself up over everything right now or future trip. Tomarrow is a 2 meeting day for sure. Ho long do some people stay on the Suboxne? I never really asked my Dr but will this week. It just seems so wonderful that I dont have to go through that opiad withdrawal. But then again my mind wants to tell me I should have to go through it because of my poor choices and the fact I relapsed yet again on pills. No one can beat me up better than I can myself. Its like I take a 2x4 and just start beating myself. I quess I need to talk to my counseler some on the disease aspect of addiction so I dont beat myself up so bad.... thanks for you help anne

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Posted: September 4, 2007, 4:16 PM
Hi Anne,

Hope you're doing well. Oh, You're talking to the queen of self inflicted guilt trips! I am my own worst enemy when it comes to having compassion for myself. I think a lot of us here are that way. I don't think there's a reason in the world that we should have to endure the pain of withdrawal if there's a reasonable way to avoid it. There's evidence stating the success of recovery for those who indeed DO NOT suffer from withdrawals. I'm gonna go with that evidence, thank you very much!

You know...some people are on Suboxone for very short times. Others are on long term maintenance. I don't want to be on it any longer than absolutely necessary but I've yet to find out how long is necessary for me. I'm back and forth from 6mg. to 4mgs. right now. I want to taper to 4 and some days, I am able to stay at that dose. Others, I just struggle too much with cravings. My doctor is in no hurry to get me off and I don't want to mess myself up by trying to come off too soon. I'm just playing it by ear for now.

Try to relax, do your meetings if that's what helps and come here any ol' time you need to. Not only can you gain support here but you will help others by sharing your story and experience. Have a good day!



Somewhere beyond myself...I wait for my arrival

Posts: 36
Joined: August 25, 2007

Posted: September 5, 2007, 9:02 AM
Callie, I saw the Dr yesterday and he reduced my Sub dose by 1/2 pill. Of course I feel it should be faster but I am leaving it in his hands. For the first time in many many years I dont have those awfull cravings that for some reason are so powerful. Even when a trauma or emotional event comes up in the last 2 weeks I have had no cravings. What a miracle. ALthough it is too soon I would not mind being on a very very low dose of the stuff it kept me off Vikes etc and the absolute hell of addiction. I have been in this battle for 27 plus years and if there is a little help out there I would be willing to do it. Its obvious I will have to take in on the cruise and my Mom knows and although I have been self administering it it may be wise to have her help in case I forget. I dont think not drinking is an issue. I have not had etoh for many years and it never was my drug of choice but I think they have AA meetings on board. We leave Sept 21st for 2 weeks. Should be off the Xanax I hope by then but he still has me on 3 tabls a day, I was thinking of cutting then in 1/2 and taking 1/2 tablet 3 times per day. anne

Posted: September 7, 2007, 4:11 PM
hi there , legally there is not much they can do as suboxone is a prescription drug for a patient with a medical problem.i'm not sure if the doctor ( where u r applying ) is obliged 2 tell the company or not . the company might ask him 2 mention about illicit drugs or replacement therapy drugs aswell . i really don't know.hope u fine a job soon , take care , herms..................................hi again me girl , call.

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Posted: September 16, 2007, 11:26 PM
Anne...........How many mgs are you on now? I didn't see what you began at, but you said you dropped what 4mgs? Wondering how you are doing with tha too!

Me & Rob.......(bad pic but it's treasure to me)
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Faith, Hope, And, Love And The Greatest Of These is Love......


Posted: September 17, 2007, 11:24 AM
ann, suboxone will not show up on most drugs. They would have to pay extra for that test, which 99% of companies dont, unless your working for NASA. It does not show as an opiate. So do not worry. Besides just like the guy before me said, its legal with your script. So you hold your head up high and enjoy your time off. It is agood idea you have,work on your recover, Because it is yours. RAFE

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Posted: September 17, 2007, 5:52 PM
thanks everyone who took the time to reply. I see my sub dr tomarrow, last week he had me decrease to 8mg in the am and 4mg in the pm if I needed it. I would often break the 4mg in half and a half tablet would do fine and I would rarely need the other half. Now tomarrow I see him again and am unsure what dose now. The one 8mg tab may do the trick but like I said I often get craviings mild but cravings around 3-4 mg then I would take 1/2 of 1/2. I am leaving on a 14 days trip on Friday and will not be able to contact him so should I stay on 8mg with another 2 or 4 mg in the afternoon or should I just suck it up and just take a 8mg. Any advice would be appreciated. anne

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Posted: September 17, 2007, 7:02 PM
I think you should tell him just what you told us. You know your body better than anyone. I went on what my body told me, my doctor would ask me how i felt on such and such dose I told him and he and I together would come up with a dose right for me. He always gave me 5 extras just in case. I never used them, but they were there. I was never on a high dose to begin with, remember LESS is MORE with sub. If you stabilize at 8 mg then do not take anymore.

Sometimes I wonder when you say the cravings will hit so you increase it, are they really cravings or are you talking yourself into cravings? I didn't have cravings while on sub, never, not saying you don't, I realize we are all different.

Even being off sub I have had fleeting moments, but they were just that; fleeting, I don't dwell on them, it passes once I focus on something else. That is the key to focus on something else when you get them. Try this next time instead of reaching for an extra sub. Might just work.


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Posted: September 18, 2007, 6:10 AM
Brooke you are right, They are really nothing that I dont feel like I cant get thru. I think 8mg right now is fine and I dont feel I need anything else later in the afternoon. I have to be honest with myself if I am going to have a fighting chance and I think you are right. I could be some lonliness, some mild anxiety etc that I am confusing with a craving and that this disease is still wanting to run the show and have me medicate in some way. I am going to stick with one daily dose at 8mg with hopefully decreasing to 6mg then so on. What is the usual maintance dose of Sub? Thanks for your post it really helped me see things in an honest manner.

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Posted: September 18, 2007, 7:19 AM
I think the usual dose is whatever the doctor and patient deem necessary, I am not sure there is a usual dose. I know depends on who the doctor is and what they think.

Mine felt no one should ever go above 8 mg. I started at 8 mg in detox at day seven (the day I left) I was down to 4mg, I stayed on it for one year, with a constant drop in mg. throughout the year. I stabilized at 2 mg for a long time, then 1 mg and so on. I never went up a dose, never felt a need because I educated myself with the strength of this drug. I cant stress anymore that less is more. The drug is powerful.

a site that is strictly for sub users is a great place to register, it is the discussion boards are extremely active and it is exclusive to sub patients. Doctors also post on the naabt board. Lots of information and experiences.

This post has been edited by Brooke on September 18, 2007, 7:20 AM


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Joined: September 4, 2007

Posted: September 21, 2007, 10:04 AM
Suboxone will not show up on a urine test.I have taken 11 or so.I wish you the best.I was on 16mg for about a month or so, and told the doctor I wanted off which mad him mad, we would argue about the meds I was taking so he kick me out of the out patient treatment I was in and tapered me of in 16days.Every 4th day I cut back a half pill,ABSOLUTLY no withdrawls!!!!!!!!!
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