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Sub Question...

Posts: 33
Joined: March 27, 2006

Posted: June 18, 2007, 8:21 AM
So, my hypothetical friend was wondering how Suboxone stores, and if it would be safe to take after about a year of sitting. Recently my hypothetical friend discovered that doctors with suboxone licenses are hard to find, and very unreliable due to massive overbooking. So hypothetical friend hasn't gotten his fresh 2mg tablets in the last week, and instead has been attempting to break 8mg tabs that are over a year old, and taste a little different (by the way, its nearly impossible to break a crumbly 8mg tablet into 16ths (my friend takes .5mg twice a day).
My friend has noticed feeling a little achier than usual, and a little more sweating. Anyone know if my hypothetical friend should be taking these, or just tough it out until he sees his doctor in about a week?

-Recovering Dope Addict-

Posts: 1928
Joined: September 14, 2004

Posted: June 18, 2007, 10:28 PM
It sounds to me like the tablets have deteriorated, and he isn't getting the full benefit. A pharmacist should be able to tell you what the shelf-life is for sub.

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So I didn't.

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