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Out Of Control

Posted: April 27, 2015, 12:20 AM
Helloo crossing a road to my disaster. personally
I have a struggle getting myself over METH ,..pulling myself from that completely and live a normal drug free life again. I just simply wanna lose my body fat fast and thats the primary reason of my gone worse since my craving for the drug escalated and lthe dosage increases. I have high BP..and non resistance to Meth will bring me to my death bed..thats for sure. I live in the phillippines..counselling drug free support group is far beyond my reach..we dont have that thing here..I know my instinct and the road for my recovery can be attained with proper guifance from counselors and without having myself treated physically in drug rehab centers..may you give me a good advice please..Thanxx a lot

Posts: 3
Joined: July 28, 2015

Posted: July 28, 2015, 8:24 AM
Hey lance,

I used to be outofcontrol myself and am also living in the philippines. Thats not true about freesupport groups here in the phil. Try visiting your local churches and asking if there are narcotics anonymous meetings there. They do have them in almost all cities here in the Phil and if they dont in yours, make the effort and time to visit the closest one out of town. It is possible with some initiative. Getting sober is a pain in the a** and it take some will and determination to step outnof your comfort zone to find support. Give yourself some credit though for finding this forum to ask and seek here. I can relate to u also using meth as a way to lose weight and keep it down. I felt like the s*** when i was more leaner and looked more fit with least amount of effort. But thats bs. I felt like crap when i was on my off weeks from meth. My body felt sore all time and not just that, you end up gaining all that weight back when your getting sober as well unless your seriously hitting the gym hard and watching what you eat. So realize the diet use for meth is temporary and destructive for your body. Going up and down with your weight dangerous for health as well. If you know your family could support you financially, rehab is not a bad idea. I went to rehab in cebu, best thing and hardst thing that has happened to me in 34yrs of life. Recovery is a bittersweet road but necessary for sobreity. Hang in there, have faith, and do not get discouraged if u slip on your way out. The only way out is through outofcontrol. Thats what ive learnt and hopefully u can and will soon too. Pray

This post has been edited by Justwonmore on July 29, 2015, 12:15 PM
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